Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 517: Knowing that she is well, it will be sunny

A line.

Why is he here?

Lin Rui discovered that Yunze was answering a call, and his frowning eyebrows slowly unfolded.

He nodded slightly and said, "Well, it's okay. Okay, go back to Xiao Rui. Be smart in the future, don't worry Xiao Rui and Mr. Lin."

"Yes, boss."

After hanging up the phone with Grid, Yunze was really relieved.

He turned to look at the building not far away.

Here his cell phone rang frantically again, Yunze lowered his head and saw Luo Huacheng's phone.

After the call was connected, Luo Huacheng also asked nervously, "Has Lin Rui found it?"

"Found it." Yunze briefly said what happened.

Luo Huacheng on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, he said, "If you want me to say, don’t you just have no cell phone, Mr. Lin, you are the only one, you are so anxious! The big living people will not disappear out of thin air. Up!"

Yunze said, "If you don't care, I don't care if your head falls. If you care, I feel sorry for losing a hair."

Luo Huacheng was silent.

He touched his head and asked curiously, "Aze, what about me? Anyway, I'm your cousin or manager!"

"Well, when your head falls, I will take care of it." Yunze said very seriously.

Luo Huacheng:...

He was not comforted enough!

But after Luo Huacheng hung up the phone, he sighed.

Luo Huacheng only confirmed once again that Aze's feelings for Lin Rui seemed to be deeper than he thought.

"It's really a magical feeling."

He muttered to himself, then turned around to do the aftermath for Yunze.

And here Yunze looked at the direction of the hotel again before letting the driver drive away.

Knowing that she is well, it is sunny.

Here Lin Rui watched the car leave, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he sighed in his heart: Ahang, this fool.

Lin Zikang saw her standing there for a long time and said, "Rui Rui, come over and eat, it will be cold later."


In a blink of an eye, I arrived at the agreed time with Ouyang Qian. For convenience, I made an appointment directly at the hotel where Lin Rui and the others are staying. There is a private room with a good environment.

When Lin Zikang went out to make a phone call, the square here poured fruit tea on Lin Rui, as if he was hesitant to talk.

Fang wanted to tell Lin Rui that his boss cared about her.

But would it be self-defeating to say so abruptly?

But the boss really cares about her!

Fang Ge chatted with Chen Qi on WeChat for a while, and he realized that the boss Yunze was too worried about Lin Rui and even turned off an interview show!

That's a star TV station!

What's more, the boss clearly came just now, but he still didn't let Miss Lin know...

When Fang Ge thought of the wrongs and wrongs in the novel, which caused various misunderstandings between the hero and the hero, and then the two people abused each other, he suddenly felt even more distressed for his boss!

When Lin Rui saw Fang Ge had to squeeze the handle of the teapot, she said silently, "Fang Ge, if you have anything to do, just say directly, don't abuse this teapot."

Fang Ge took a deep breath and said, "Miss Lin, didn't you find you before? I told the boss that he was very worried about you, and then he gave an interview program that was originally determined. He still rushed Came here, but after knowing that you were fine, he left again."

Lin Rui picked up the tea cup, and the steam coming out of it blocked her expression.