Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 518: How to look, how warm, how sweet

"Aze is like my dad, I just didn't bring a mobile phone."

"Miss, the boss cares about you."

"Oh, then I'll call him later."

Fang Ge was overjoyed, but the next moment, he shook his head violently and looked at Lin Rui baffledly.

"You can call him, but Miss, don't you say that these are all what I said!"

Just called, the boss also told him not to talk nonsense!

Lin Rui nodded with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then she lowered her head and sent a WeChat message to Yunze.

Lin Rui: Listening to Fang Ge, have you been here just now? It was a misunderstanding before, I'm fine, don't worry. ^_^

Yunze looked at the smiling face from the little girl in the phone, and his heart was warm.

Those worries and anxiety just now disappeared instantly.

Yunze: It's fine. The environment in Emperor City is more complicated than Jincheng.

Yunze: When you go out alone, you still have to bring a check.

Lin Rui: Well, good, see you that night.

Yunze: See you tonight.

In fact, the two people clearly say what they say every time they send WeChat.

But if you don't know what's wrong, Yunze will look at it and how warm it is.

How sweet.

When Lin Zikang finished the phone call, Ouyang Qian also came.

Ouyang Qian smiled and greeted Lin Zikang, "Hello Uncle Lin."

Lin Zikang nodded and said, "Rui Rui is in the private room, let's go in and talk."


Two people entered the private room one after the other.

After Ouyangqian came in, Lin Rui said straight to the door, "Sister Ouyang, I have already signed a contract with Yunshi Entertainment, but because I will mainly focus on academic work for the time being, I will also systematically learn basic skills such as acting as my Assistant, there may not be too many things in the first two years, and there is no need to be by my side all the time."

"Oh, I will start my junior year soon, and the courses will be reduced. By the time of my senior year, I will be by your side.

Ouyang Qian also quickly entered the state.

Lin Rui took a sip of fruit tea and raised her head and said, "Sister Ouyang, I know you have been chasing stars. For some of your experiences, I would like to see a detailed resume."

"That's okay, I can go back and sort it out and give it to you tomorrow."

It is really comfortable to talk to bright and smart people. You can sort out all the information you want in a few words without going around in circles.

At the end, Lin Rui smiled and said, "Sister Ouyang, I have another question."

"Rui Rui, you say."

"Do the people in your family have any other ideas about you being my assistant? Sister Ouyang is in good conditions in your family. Presumably, they shouldn't want you to set foot in the entertainment field, right?"

When Lin Rui said this, the corner of his eyes swept.

She found her father Lin Zikang's expression suddenly embarrassed.

Here, Ouyang Qian did not notice this little detail. She raised the corner of her mouth and said confidently, "The money is earned by my dad, not mine. And the future family business will be inherited by my brother. It doesn’t matter. I’ll do what I like, and it’s always been the case. Of course, I’ve grown up sensible and I know I’m responsible for any choices I make.”

"Then, your brother..." Lin Rui picked up Ouyang Qian's tea cup and poured a cup of tea for her.

The expression on Ouyang Qian's face solidified slightly for a few seconds, and then she smiled bitterly and said, "Rui Rui, you are really smart. Tell you the truth, Xiao Jin already regretted breaking off the engagement with you, he... And you."