Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 516: Warmth in my heart

In the next moment, Lin Rui's figure disappeared in this room.

But a wad of money was left on the ground.

Enough to repair this room.

Almost at the same time, the door of the presidential suite opened slowly, and the aunt, who was pushing the cart and preparing to clean with a rag, looked dazed.

This room... shouldn't need to be cleaned.

This has to be redecorated!

Here Lin Rui has taken Udan, and within a few minutes, his hair has grown out, much faster than before.

But after a while, it was the same length as before, and then stopped.

When Lin Rui said that she remembered that when the chess piece seemed to be hairless, Xiao Qibao immediately covered her mouth and never dared to beep anymore.

Now the sky is bright, and people come and go.

She must go back to her room quickly.

After tidying up in the space, Lin Rui walked towards her room, but when she was about to get there, she found that her room was surrounded by many people!

Lin Rui was stunned.

She quickly flashed into the corridor next to her, swept it with her spiritual sense, and she understood it.

It turned out that her father, Lin Zikang, came to look for her early this morning, and found that she was not in the room, and he didn't even bring her mobile phone. He thought something was wrong with her and was so worried that he found the person in charge of the hotel.

Lin Rui stood there, slightly startled.

She felt a little itchy in the corners of her eyes, and she reached out and rubbed it.

Qibao sighed in the space, "Master, this Lin Zikang is really nice to you. In fact, if Fang Yuluo had no trouble, she would be very affectionate with Lin Zikang, and would be very good to you."

Just thinking about it makes me feel blissful.

Lin Rui said softly, "I am already content to get half the love."

"Master..." Qibao looked at his master worriedly.

At the beginning, on the Canglan Continent, everyone practiced and their lives became longer, but the human relationship became more and more indifferent.

Parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, are indifferent.

Therefore, seeing Lin Zikang caring about Lin Rui so much, let alone Lin Rui moved, Qibao found that he was moved by this move!

Lin Rui actually didn't want to use illusion on Lin Zikang, but she couldn't bear to worry him too much.

Therefore, when the person in charge of the hotel left first, Lin Rui performed an illusion.

She walked to Lin Zikang and said, "Dad, where have you been? I have been waiting for you for breakfast in the lobby on the first floor for a long time."

Lin Zikang's eyes were confused. Finally, he suddenly realized and said, "Hey, it's all because I remembered wrongly. I'll come to you first."

But the next moment, Lin Zikang looked at Lin Rui suspiciously.

Lin Rui picked up the phone calmly and said, "Hey, I have a bad memory. I forgot to bring my phone."

"No, you have a bad memory, it must be my reason, you follow me." Lin Zikang said without even thinking about it.

He doesn't think there is anything wrong with his daughter.

This may be the favorite filter.

Lin Rui looked at Lin Zikang's serious expression, and his heart was filled with warmth.

This silly dad.

With the effect of illusion, this matter was temporarily revealed, and after explaining it to the hotel staff, it finally calmed down.

Missed breakfast, Lin Rui accompanied Lin Zikang directly ordered some food, ready to eat in the room.

But she turned her head thoughtfully and looked out the window.

Let go of the consciousness.

Lin Rui found Yunze sitting in a car not far from the hotel building.

She was startled again.