Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 987

South Bay.

Gu Luoluo came out of the club and went home.

Looking at the messy living room at home, Gu Luoluo sighed.

Gu Hai is not at home. He doesn\'t know whether he has no face to see her or runs out to gamble again.

Thinking of the scene that happened here yesterday, Gu Luoluo pursed her red lips and quietly packed her luggage.

Gu Luoluo took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He couldn\'t help laughing at himself.

This is a message from the bank. Someone remitted a money to her bank card.

Five hundred thousand!

Fu Xichen was really generous to her for the first time.

Are the silver goods cleared?

I\'m going to disappoint him.

Gu Luoluo put away his mobile phone and glanced down at his clothes.

The simple white clothes and black trousers are fitted clothes and trousers inside. Although Han Bing sent them to the club, she has a hunch that Fu Xichen must have personally selected them for her.

Because Han Bing didn\'t know her size, and only Fu Xichen touched her body.

The corner of his mouth curved, Gu Luoluo took a deep breath, and a trace of firmness flashed in his beautiful apricot eyes.

She will seize every opportunity and hope to succeed in the end.

After putting his luggage away, Gu Luoluo glanced at the time and decided to go to the new company that Fu Yunting introduced to her.

He took a taxi and came to a commercial building. According to the address given by Fu Yunting, Gu Luoluo took the elevator to the 28th floor and entered Huaxiang design company.

This is an ordinary and no longer ordinary small company. I don\'t know how Fu Yunting chose such a small company to let her work.

It seems that this company has a good reputation in Nanwan and Fu Yunting selected it from several enterprises.

Gu Luoluo communicated with his little sister in the front office and was led into the general manager\'s office.

"Mr. Yan, Miss Gu has come to report."

The little girl in the front hall knocked on the door of the general manager\'s office. The man inside was about 40 years old and looked very thoughtful and kind.

"Miss Gu Luoluo, please sit down."

Yan Kuan quickly got up and motioned Gu Luoluo to sit down.

Gu Luoluo thanked and sat on the sofa.

Yan Kuan personally poured a glass of water for Gu Luoluo. "Miss Gu, your situation, general manager Fu Yunting, has told me that you are a rare Secretary talent. It happens that my special help is going home to give birth, so can you be my chief secretary in the future?"

Yan Kuan thinks he\'s lucky.

He never thought that his ordinary and no longer ordinary small company would get Fu Yunting\'s attention.

Not long ago, Fu Yunting called him personally and asked him to do something. Of course, he agreed.

I can\'t ask for a chance to have a relationship with Fu.

"OK, please give me more advice in the future."

"I don\'t deserve your advice. Miss Gu can tell me if she has any difficulties in work and life."

Yan Kuan got up and shook hands with Gu Luoluo.

Gu Luoluo smiled, "so, general manager Yan, am I officially employed today, or..."

"Miss Gu is very dedicated. If you don\'t feel tired, I certainly hope you can get into work as soon as possible." Yan Kuan smiled and opened his mouth.

Gu Luoluo bent his lips and smiled, "I\'m not tired. I can enter the working state immediately."

"Well, Lolo, can I call you that?"

"No problem."


Yan Kuan was no longer polite and took out one of several documents. "I\'ll ask the personnel department to handle your entry procedures in a moment. Now, you have an arduous task to complete."