Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 988

Yan Kuan handed the document to Gu Luoluo. "The goal of our company in the second half of this year is to win a decoration project of Fu in Nanwan. The company has carefully prepared a bidding document. I hope you can help Luo Luo and sign this contract with Fu Xichen, the project leader of Fu."

Ask her to help sign a contract with Fu Xichen?

So this is what Fu Yunting said. Will it create opportunities for her to have more contact with Fu Xichen?

Gu Luoluo took the document and wanted to laugh.

I don\'t know what kind of expression Fu Xichen will have when he sees himself.

You will be angry and disgusted!

After all, she rejected his proposal and turned around to invest in this humble small business, which is disdain for him.

A man as high up as he is will feel his self-esteem damaged and may make trouble for her.

"President Yan, I will do my best."

No matter whether Fu Xichen will make trouble for her or not, she will not give up this opportunity.

As for the result, she didn\'t think much.

I always feel that Fu Yunting has great confidence in her.

Is it clear to the onlookers?

In his eyes, will Fu Xichen cooperate with this small enterprise because of her?

Some expectations!

"OK, Lolo, I\'ll send a driver to take you to Fu\'s subsidiary."

Yan Kuan got up with a smile and motioned Gu Luoluo to go out with him.

If Gu Luoluo can really win the contract, his humble small enterprise will become a leading enterprise in Nanwan next year.

Fu Yunting is really his noble man!

Gu Luoluo took the car sent by the company to Fu\'s branch in Nanwan.

In the hall as bright as a mirror, the little sister at the front desk received Gu Luoluo\'s arrival.

After saying her intention, the little sister at the front desk is business, "sorry, Miss Gu, President Fu\'s schedule is full. You don\'t have an appointment today. Please make an appointment in advance."

No appointment?

They just got up from the same bed in the morning.

Gu Luoluo didn\'t embarrass the little sister at the front desk. He went to the rest area and sat down. He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Fu Xichen.

"Mr. Fu, I\'ll meet you in the lobby of your company!"

The heart beat inexplicably faster. Gu Luoluo held his mobile phone and looked down at the mobile phone screen. He didn\'t know whether Fu Xichen would see himself.

Before long, the telephone in the front hall rang.

The little sister at the front desk answered the phone and called President Fu in a sweet voice.

Is it Fu Xichen who called the lobby?


Gu Luoluo pursed his lips and looked at the little sister at the front desk. He listened to her respectfully.

"Miss Gu, Mr. Fu asked you to go directly to the president\'s office."

The little sister at the front desk hung up and spoke politely.

"OK, thank you."

Gu Luoluo smiled politely at the little sister at the front desk and got up to go to the president\'s office.

He made an appointment with himself!

This is a good start!

President\'s office, Fu Xichen sat in the big class chair and looked at the information on the mobile phone. Junlang\'s face was silent.

Why is gulolo here?

Did you come back as his secretary?

Or did she want to take the opportunity to pester herself because of last night?

Feeling inexplicably agitated, Fu Xichen pulled the button at the collar, and his handsome face was slightly heavy.

The knock on the door sounded. I think it should be Gu Luoluo\'s arrival.

Fu Xichen came in with a deep cry. The door was pushed open and Gu Luoluo came in.

A woman wearing a white shirt and black pants is clearly the simplest workplace beauty dress, but it is inexplicably attractive.

He bought it casually for her this morning, but I don\'t think she didn\'t change it.

Thinking of some face paintings that were not suitable for children, Fu Xichen\'s throat rolled slightly. He quickly collected his emotions and said coldly, "what are you doing here? I don\'t think I have enough money to fight?"