Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 986

Seeing that it was Fu Yunting, Shu Lan raised her eyebrows, and her tone took on an unknown delicacy, "what are you doing in here? My design drawing hasn\'t been finished yet."

Hearing the speech, Fu Yunting hooked his lips and smiled. He walked to Shu Lan\'s side with long legs.

Look down on the computer screen and carefully look at the design drawings above.

The man\'s handsome face was serious, and Shu Lan was unconsciously nervous.

"Well, I didn\'t fully comply with your requirements. I added my own ideas here. Is there a problem?"

Men don\'t dare to be serious, so they don\'t dare to look at each other.

Fu Yunting glanced at the nervous woman, put his hands on her shoulders and pressed her onto the chair. "Open the other exhibition face for me."


Shu Lan nodded. Bai Nen\'s slender hand held the mouse and clicked to open another interface.

Fu Yunting flashed a smile in his black eyes and quietly reached out to hold her slender hand. "Look here, don\'t you think the design here is unreasonable? If you change this part, I think it will be more perfect."

"Really? But I think my design will be updated."

"I know, but would it be more perfect to add a little conventional elements to this novel design?"

"It seems so? Let me think about it."


The woman\'s small hands are very soft, and the lines on her side face are soft and focused. She just stares at the computer screen quietly and takes it seriously.

Fu Yunting\'s eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to discuss work, someone doesn\'t seem to notice.

Shu Lan is thinking about Fu Yunting\'s suggestions, and the inspiration in his mind continues to appear.

"Ah, I thought of a better design. Fu Yunting, do you think it\'s ok..."

The woman\'s face was elated and said the improved design concept.

Fu Yunting was absent-minded, and his black eyes only looked at the woman\'s beautiful red lips.

I\'d love to Fair and bright gathering!

"Fu Yunting, what do you think?"

Shu Lan finished with excitement on her face, looked at Fu Yunting and finally found something wrong at this time.

At this time, Fu Yunting\'s tall figure leaned over slightly, as if he had surrounded her in his arms.

The hand still held her little hand, and the warm touch warmed her heart.

Shu Lan hurriedly drew her hand back like an electric shock, and her small face was slightly red. "Well, did you hear what I said? Do you want to give me some more advice?"

With a soft touch on his hands, Fu Yunting slowly straightened himself, copied his pockets with both hands and smiled softly, "yes, just do as you say."

He is not in a hurry. He will integrate himself into her life bit by bit, so that she can no longer bear it!

"Oh, then go out and don\'t disturb my work."

Shu Lan calmed her heartbeat, trimmed her hair, and gave orders to Fu Yunting fiercely.

Fu Yunting raised his eyebrows slightly, looked deeply at a pretty woman with a reddish face, nodded and left happily.

When the door was closed, Shu Lan took a long breath, bit her lips and scratched her eyebrows.

She knew something was wrong with herself, and she could always unconsciously picture someone tall in her mind.

What\'s more, she can always dream of him at night.

I dreamed that he held himself and whispered the word "wife" again and again.

His wife is Xia Ling!

Did she substitute herself into it?

But sometimes sporadic fragments flash through my mind.

The clip is full of strange and familiar scenes for her.

The man called his wife to a woman with a smile in his eyebrows, and that woman obviously looked different from her. Why did she think it was herself?