Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 971

South Bay.

For several days in a row, Fu Xichen did not appear.

It was Xie Junyan who came to visit her in the hospital.

From Xie Junyan\'s mouth, she learned that Fu Xichen was negotiating the demolition with the villagers.

Fortunately, in the end, the huge demolition tangle came to an end.

The villagers have signed the demolition agreement, and the demolition project is in full swing.

Therefore, Fu Xichen should be so busy that he didn\'t want to pay attention to her.

Gu Luoluo is in the hospital, but absent-minded.

When she felt that the wound on her back was ok, she was ready to go through the discharge formalities.

It happened that Xie Junyan came to visit her and saw that she had changed her clothes. He hurriedly said, "Lolo, what are you?"

"Jun Yan, I\'m fine. I want to leave the hospital."

How can she attract Fu Xichen\'s attention when she can\'t see him in the hospital all the time?

"Are you going to leave the hospital so soon? It\'s better to wait until President Fu comes."

Xie Junyan\'s eyes flashed slightly and said.

He also waited for Fu Xichen to give him relevant information after he came to the hospital.

"No, I\'ve decided to leave the hospital."

Gu Luoluo smiled, took a series of procedures and went out of the sick room.

"Lolo, let me do it for you."

Xie Junyan caught up with Gu Luoluo, took the information from her hand, hesitated and said, "you\'d better give general manager Fu a vent and tell him."

Tell Fu Xichen she\'s leaving the hospital?

Gu Luoluo\'s Apricot eyes glittered and nodded.

When Xie Junyan left, Gu Luoluo returned to the ward, took out her mobile phone and clicked Fu Xichen\'s number. She breathed and dialed him.

The telephone was connected after a few rings.

From the current came the familiar voice of the man, "hello."

Gu Luoluo calmed down and said, "Mr. Fu, my body is all right and I\'m ready to leave the hospital."

"To leave the hospital? Do it yourself!"

A few words, showing a sense of impatience.

Gu Luoluo opened her mouth. Before she spoke, the phone had been hung up.

Looking at the hung up phone, Gu Luoluo was stunned, and a trace of bitterness appeared in the corners of his mouth.

This is the true face of Fu Xichen.

She was not his one, and the initial tenderness was just her illusion.

Because she saved him from the disaster.

So, does she still have a chance to attract his attention?

Some sighed sadly, and Gu Luoluo sorted out her belongings until Xie Junyan helped her complete the discharge procedures.

"Lolo, did you call president Fu? What did he say?"

Xie Junyan entered the door of the sick room and asked hurriedly.

"He said I\'ll do it as I see fit."

Gu Luoluo took a series of materials in his hand and said thank you to him.

"Then he won\'t come to the hospital?" Xie Junyan was disappointed.

"Well, I won\'t come."

She is not one of him. He has no obligation to accompany her.

Gu Luoluo picked up his luggage and prepared to leave.

"I\'ll carry it."

Xie Junyan hurriedly took something from Gu Luoluo and took the lead to move forward.

They went out of the hospital one by one. Xie Junyan called a car. They waited for the car on the roadside.

Gu Luoluo cut his hair and glanced at it carelessly, but he saw a luxury car parked across the road.

The side face of a man exposed in the window can make her heart skip a beat without looking more.

It was Fu Xichen sitting in the car. He was turning his head and looking in her direction.

Gu Luoluo quickly looked away, but his heart was a burst of joy.

She didn\'t know how he came here, but she just had an inexplicable illusion that he came to see her.

It was only when she suddenly asked to leave the hospital that he lost his face on her.

Why is this man so awkward?