Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 972

A car stopped in front of Xie Junyan. Gu Luoluo knew that this was the car called by Xie Junyan.

"Lolo, the car is coming. Get in the car."

Xie Junyan said a word to Gu Luoluo on his side, then took his luggage and prepared to put it in the trunk of the car.

Gu Luoluo\'s Apricot eyes flashed slightly and took two steps quickly. He pretended to hold Xie Junyan\'s hand intimately. "Jun Yan, thank you these days. I\'ll invite you to dinner later."

Xie Junyan was stunned by his sudden enthusiasm. He glanced at Gu Luoluo and took his hand. A smile flashed in Xie Junyan\'s eyes, "OK."

He has always liked her, but she has never been so intimate with him.

It seems that this hospitalization has deepened her favor for herself?

Gu Luoluo smiled sweetly at Xie Junyan, but Yu Guang focused on the luxury car opposite.

The car stopped at the roadside motionless, and I didn\'t know what the people in the car were doing.

Gu Luoluo trimmed her hair and followed Xie Junyan into the back seat of the car.

When the car started, Gu Luoluo looked back and saw that the luxury car also moved and slowly followed up.

"Lolo, what are you looking at?"

Xie Junyan on one side looked back and asked.


Gu Luoluo sat upright and smiled at Xie Junyan, "Junyan, what do you want to eat?"

"I can."

Xie Junyan looked at Gu Luoluo\'s side face and suddenly reached out to clip the broken hair in her ear behind her ear, "I\'ll follow what you eat."

The man\'s voice was very gentle. Gu Luoluo, who was originally absent-minded, jumped in his heart and his nerves tightened all at once.

Xie Junyan now looks at her in the eyes of a man looking at a woman. Did he misunderstand something?

Because she just took his arm?

She just showed it to someone on purpose!

She\'s just using him!

It\'s a sin to live.

"Jun Yan, I......"

"Lolo, I always knew you were a good girl. And you should know my temperament when we grew up together. Now we are old enough to get married. Why don\'t we give each other a chance?"

Xie Junyan interrupted Gu Luoluo\'s words, holding her hand with a sincere face.

His hands were warm. Gu Luoluo choked on his throat. Looking at Xie Junyan\'s sincere black eyes, he swallowed his saliva.

She hurriedly retracted her hand and disguised her discomfort with a haircut.

Xie Junyan is a good man. If you marry him, he will be a gentle and considerate husband.

But she only treated him as her brother.

There was someone in her heart. If she was really with him, it would be unfair to him.

But now

Yu Guangzhong, Gu Luoluo saw that the luxury car behind him was still not close or far behind.

Gu Luoluo bit his lips and fought fiercely in his mind.

"Jun Yan, there is a restaurant ahead. Let\'s have dinner first."

She is a bad woman.

She needs to use him again.

After dinner, she will speak to him clearly.

"OK, listen to you."

Xie Junyan didn\'t know Gu Luoluo\'s real thoughts. She just thought she was embarrassed.

He was thinking that when the two established a formal relationship, he would further talk to her about how to deal with the relationship between the two people.

The car stopped at the restaurant in front. Gu Luoluo got off the car with Xie Junyan.

Yu Guangzhong caught a glimpse that the luxury car also stopped not far away. Gu Luoluo hooked his mouth slightly and held Xie Junyan\'s arm again.

Fu Xichen, why has he been following her and Xie Junyan?

If she used Xie Junyan to stimulate him, would he react?