Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 970

Shulan had a dream.

In the dream, countless scene changes flashed, which made her a little stunned when she woke up.

Staring at the ceiling above her head, she wanted to aftertaste the scene in her dream, but she couldn\'t remember it.

I can only vaguely remember that Fu Yunting and a gentle woman appeared in the dream.


A word suddenly appeared in her mind, which made Shu Lan jump.

How could she regard that gentle woman as her mother?

After shaking her head, Shu Lan quickly sat up from bed and found that she had returned to Fu\'s old house.

What happened to her just now?

Why do you suddenly have a splitting headache?

Shu Lan patted her head and tightened her eyebrows.

There\'s something wrong with yourself recently!

At this time, the door was gently unscrewed and someone came in.

Shu Lan looked at the people who came in and quickly wrapped the quilt around her. "Fu Yunting, do you understand politeness? How can you enter my room casually?"

Is she awake?

Listening to her words, I think she still hasn\'t recovered her memory.

Standing at the door, Fu Yunting\'s thin lips pursed gently, and a trace of love flashed in his eyes.

"Are you awake?"

She suddenly fainted and really scared him.

He didn\'t expect her to have such a big reaction when she saw Lanmei and her son.

This is a good phenomenon, but it hurts him badly.

He was selfish and wanted her to think of the past quickly.

The man\'s eyes were too gentle, so he walked slowly towards her and saw Shu Lan\'s scalp numb.

She hurriedly said, "of course I\'m awake. Go out first and I\'ll change my clothes."

Fu Yunting didn\'t go out, but went to the bed and touched her forehead.

"Well, I don\'t have a fever. How do you feel now? Does your head still hurt?"

She had a fever just now.

He invited a familiar neurologist to treat her.

The doctor said that this phenomenon is normal.

The distorted memory wants to recover, but it is pressed by death, which leads to sudden fever and fainting.

It\'s not impossible to restore her memory.

It depends on who is more powerful in the two battles in her mind.

In other words, if she gets a strong impact again, maybe she can recover her memory at a specific point.

That\'s a good thing, but it\'s still that sentence.

It is not ruled out that mental breakdown can lead to schizophrenia.

No, he can\'t stimulate her anymore!

He\'d rather she didn\'t think of the past, just be safe.

"I\'m fine. Get out."

The heart beat a little fiercely. Shu Lan stared at Fu Yunting and deliberately said fiercely.

"It\'s all right."

Fu Yunting did know that she didn\'t have a fever and got up and bent her lips.

He can\'t worry any more.

haste makes waste.

Just let it go.

Shu Lan looked at Fu Yunting\'s back and thought of LAN Mei, and suddenly asked, "you said you wanted to take me to see two people. Is that the woman and child you just saw in the hospital? Who are they?"

I don\'t know why Fu Yunting took her to see them. She just wants to know who they are.

Why does she feel so kind to women.

"They are my mother-in-law and my son."

Fu Yunting turned around and looked at Shu Lan deeply with black eyes. He wanted to say something, but he finally swallowed the words to his mouth.

I don\'t want any more complications.

I don\'t want to see her faint again.

Take your time!

Fu Yunting then went out, leaving Shu Lan sitting on the bed as if thinking.

Fu Yunting\'s mother-in-law?

Xia Ling\'s biological mother?

Why does she feel so familiar?


Fu Yunting\'s son!

Why are those beautiful black pupils like colored glass similar to themselves?