Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 969

Shu Lan was pulled up by Fu Yunting without any reason. She wanted to talk, but she didn\'t dare to disturb the tranquility of the Buddhist hall.

When she got outside, she hurriedly struggled and said, "stop, where are you taking me?"

These two days, he took her to see the meteor shower and the sunrise. He always felt that he couldn\'t stop.

He is Fu Xichen\'s big brother!

He shouldn\'t be allowed to approach himself like this.

But subconsciously, she couldn\'t help but want him close to herself.

It seems that a vague voice has been pulling itself towards him.

I\'m telling her to follow my feelings!

Is she schizophrenic?

Hearing Shu Lan\'s question, Fu Yunting looked back at her with deep eyes and thin lips, "take you to meet two people."

"To whom?"

"I\'ll know when I go."

"Hey, don\'t hold me, I\'ll go myself."

"You walk too slowly, I don\'t trust you."

"What\'s wrong? I\'m not a three-year-old."

"Well, you\'re a little older than three."


Along the way, the two fought each other. Fu Yunting drove to the Municipal Children\'s hospital.

Fu Tingren can\'t see the scenery outside the window, and Fu Tingren can\'t take her to the driver\'s cab quickly.

Until she got out of the car, followed Fu Yunting into the gate of the hospital and saw Lanmei holding the child. She was still confused.

The middle-aged woman in front of me has gentle eyebrows and eyes and a sense of intimacy. Who is this person?

"Mom, how\'s Xiaobao?"

Fu Yunting went to Lanmei and clapped his hands at the little guy.

The little guy kicked his feet. When he saw Fu Yunting, he was a little excited. He snorted at Fu Yunting and opened his white and tender arms to hug.

The smell of milk was sweet. Fu Yunting held xiaodouding in his arms, and his heart softened.

Son, see, your mother is here!

"It\'s still a little low fever. The doctor has seen it and said it\'s a respiratory infection caused by virus invasion. He has prepared some medicine."

LAN Mei looked guilty. "It\'s all my fault. It rained two days ago. I took him out for a walk. It\'s estimated that he was blown into the wild wind."

Hearing this, Fu Yunting hurriedly said, "Mom, don\'t blame yourself. There will always be a headache in the process of children\'s growth. What\'s more, he is a boy and can\'t be a flower in the greenhouse."

Comforted by Fu Yunting, LAN Mei didn\'t hum and glanced casually. Then she noticed Shu Lan standing aside.

The familiar eyebrows and eyes made Lanmei feel a little abnormal.

She looked at Fu Yunting, "Yunting, who is this?"

"Mom, she\'s Shulan."

Shulan, isn\'t that

Lanmei stared at the changed woman in front of her and unconsciously held her hand.


She already knows that Shu Lan is her daughter Xia Ling.

This is her real daughter Xia Ling.

She suffered!

Being held by Lanmei and looking at each other, Shulan felt unspeakable and unknown in her heart.

It was the first time to meet, but I had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Who the hell is she?

What did she just want to call herself?


Does she think she is Xia Ling?

But I\'m not!

The child\'s voice rang out. Fu Yunting came to Lanmei with his son and attracted Shu Lan\'s eyes.

She looked at the child in Fu Yunting\'s arms and looked at the small milk bag carved with powder and jade in front of her. Her heart was soft for no reason.

His eyes touched those black eyes like black glass, like an electric current across the atrium.

Sporadic fragments flashed through my mind.

A dark room, a woman with a big stomach, a doctor in a white coat

"Ah, it hurts!"

Severe pain came from her head. Shu Lan hurriedly covered her head and shook her body.


