Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 968

Fu Xichen then turned and left the ward. The air field around him was very cold.

Gu Luoluo looked at the figure of the man isolated outside the ward door and sighed.

"Miss Gu, eat quickly. The food is going to be cold."

The nurse on one side reminded Gu Luoluo. Gu Luoluo smiled at her and looked at the rich dishes. He couldn\'t help bending his lips.

Fu Xichen, will she exist in his heart?

The beep of the mobile phone rings the sound of information.

Gu Luoluo took his mobile phone and glanced at it. The corners of his mouth were slightly restrained.

The message was sent by Fu Yunting. It said: have you entered the hospital?

She hasn\'t disclosed the information here to him, but he knows she\'s in the hospital?

It seems that Fu Yunting has been sending people to secretly monitor Fu Xichen.

And she was just one of his eyeliner.

Gu Luoluo pursed his red lips and stroked the screen with his slender fingers. "Yes, I blocked the disaster for Fu Xichen."

Fu Xichen\'s performance, she doesn\'t know if she can think that he is a little different from himself.

"Yes, the bitter meat trick works very well! It can be seen that Fu Xichen has no feelings for you. Sometimes people are cheap. If you pay blindly, he will take it for granted. If you leave for a period of time, you can let him know your importance. You are a smart woman. I hope that in the next period of time, you can give full play to your intelligence and let Fu Xichen gradually fall in love with you."

Fu Yunting made a long speech.

Gu Luoluo looked at the words on the screen carefully, and his mood fluctuated.

She didn\'t use any bitter meat trick.

It was a subconscious move when danger occurred.

She didn\'t want Fu Xichen to suffer any harm.

However, perhaps Fu Yunting is right.

People are cheap.

At this time, she had to try her best.

Try whether Fu Xichen will fall in love with himself.

"I will work hard, and I hope Fu can always give full play to your talents and let Lingling recover her memory as soon as possible."

In that case, Fu Xichen\'s idea would be completely cut off.

"Don\'t worry, even if Lingling hasn\'t recovered her memory, I can\'t let anyone destroy our feelings."

At the other end of the phone, Fu Yunting\'s eyebrows and eyes were cold. After typing a line of words, he put away his mobile phone.

Fu Yunting\'s eyes softened as he glanced at the woman who was chanting scriptures with old lady Fu in the Buddhist hall.

He won\'t let her leave him again.

Even if she can\'t remember the past, he will start a new life with her and let her fill her mind with him from this moment on!

The mobile phone vibrated, and then the bell rang.

This is his specific set of home call ring.

Fu Yunting quickly picked it up.

"Hello, mom?"

"Yunting, Xiaobao seems to have a fever. We have to take him to the hospital to see a doctor."

LAN Mei\'s anxious voice came from the phone.

As soon as Fu Yunting\'s pupils contracted, he turned and strode forward. "Mom, don\'t worry. Give your mobile phone to the bodyguard. I\'ll ask the bodyguard to take you to the hospital first, and I\'ll be right back."

"OK, then hurry up."


After a few words with the bodyguard, Fu Yunting put away the phone. When he thought of something, he stopped, turned and looked at the woman kneeling in the Buddhist hall, closed his eyes and prayed, and strode towards the Buddhist hall.

When he came to Shu Lan, Fu Yunting grabbed her arm, leaned over her ear and whispered, "come with me."

It\'s time for her to meet her family.

That\'s her mother and child. I hope it will touch her memory.