Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 967

"Go back first. Prepare a resume and I\'ll give it to the personnel department."

Without asking any more questions, Fu Xichen turned and strode into the ward.

Behind him, Xie Junyan was overjoyed. "OK, Mr. Fu."

I didn\'t expect to have an unexpected joy. It seems that he has a chance to enter the Fu family.

In the ward, Gu Luoluo was talking and laughing with Gu Ningjie. Seeing Fu Xichen and Xie Junyan coming in, he stopped talking.

His eyes turned on them, one calm and one happy.

It seems that the two communicate well.

Gu Luoluo pursed his lips and looked at Gu Ningjie. "Ah Jie, go back with dad."

"OK, sister, you have a good rest. Remember to find brother Junyan when you have something. Don\'t let others bully you."

Gu Ningjie glanced at Fu Xichen and gave him an uneasy advice.

Are you afraid that Fu Xichen will bully her?

Gu Luoluo lost his smile, looked at Fu Xichen\'s rapidly blackened face and hurriedly asked them to leave.

His brother was born, and the calf is not afraid of the tiger.

"Lolo, I\'ll go first. Call me if you need anything. Mr. Fu, I\'ll go back and prepare my resume."

Xie Junyan was still immersed in joy and didn\'t pay attention to the words of Gu Luoluo\'s sister and brother.

After greeting Gu Luoluo, he said hello to Fu Xichen, and then left with Gu Ningjie and Gu Hai.

When they left, the ward became quiet.

Gu Luoluo glanced at the dishes on the table and then looked at Fu Xichen, who was expressionless. "The dishes are very rich. I can\'t eat so much alone. Do you want to eat them together?"

Eat with her?

Fu Xichen looked at Gu Luoluo, with a touch of sarcasm in the corners of his mouth, and asked, "Gu Luoluo, is Xie Junyan the object you want to marry?"

Anxious to resign, just to marry and have children with such a small man?

Such a man grabs a lot. Is this the type of man she likes?

"Mr. Fu, this is my private affair."

Gu Luoluo was stunned and lowered his eyes slightly to cover the fluctuation in his eyes.

She wants to marry him, but will he?

Gu Luoluo\'s failure to explain made Fu Xichen inexplicably upset.

The woman who had been silently with him suddenly left. This feeling really annoyed him.

"Gu Luoluo, you are my right-hand man anyway. I will check your marriage. This Xie Junyan is not suitable for you."

Hearing this, Gu Luoluo raised his eyes and looked at Fu Xichen firmly, "why not?"

"Inappropriate is inappropriate. Where are so many reasons?"

Fu Xichen replied impatiently.

"But I think he\'s a good match for me."

Gu Luoluo\'s Apricot eyes flashed slightly: "when we grow up together, we all know each other\'s personality. If we get married, there will be less running in period for new couples. I believe that with our character, we can grow old together."

Fu Xichen, do you really have no feelings for her in your heart?

Not much, just a little.

Fu Xichen listened to Gu Luoluo\'s words, and a nameless fire suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Gu Luoluo, you are so simple. Marriage is a matter of two families. Do you really think Xie Junyan..."

Fu Xichen didn\'t go any further.

He stared at Gu Luoluo\'s big apricot eyes and sneered, "Gu Luoluo, I said it\'s just not appropriate for you to talk to Xie Jun. don\'t think so well of men."

Xie Junyan is a mean man. Gu Luoluo, a stupid woman, has a good eye!