Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 963

Gu Luoluo was very excited. He accidentally pulled the wound on his back and hissed with a painful look on his face.

"Sister, don\'t get excited."

Gu Ningjie\'s eyes were red and looked at Gu Luoluo apologetically. "I\'m sorry, I dragged you down."

He is just a high school student who has no strength to bind a chicken. I really hope he can grow up quickly. In that case, he can help his sister share some of the burden.

Gu Luoluo slowly calmed down after his excitement. Looking at Gu Ningjie\'s red eyes, he was surprised that he had just failed to control his temper.

She hurriedly took his hand and said angrily, "ah Jie, what are you talking about? You are my most proud brother. All my hopes are on you. Just study hard and repay my sister with excellent results, and I will be happy."

Fortunately, she has a very sensible and excellent brother, which gives her some comfort and hope in her helpless and difficult life.

"Well, sister, don\'t worry. I\'ll study hard. When I get into a famous school and earn money, I\'ll support you. You don\'t have to work so hard to support your family."

"Poof, I love to hear that."


The sister and brother talked and laughed a few words. Gu Hai was absent-minded and didn\'t want to talk to them.

Standing on the other side, Xie Junyan, who had not spoken in the whole process, bent his lips and coughed gently.

Hearing the cough, Gu Luoluo remembered that she was so excited that she left the guests alone.

"Jun Yan, I\'m sorry to let you see a joke."

Although it was her family affair, Xie Junyan, who grew up with her since childhood, had already seen it.

Xie Junyan smiled, shook his head, walked to the edge of the bed and said, "I\'ve heard from my mother. I\'m on vacation these two days, so I came to see you. What\'s the matter? Does my back still hurt? Do you want to call a doctor?"

"It\'s all right. Thank you for coming to see me." Gu Luoluo smiles.

"Why are you polite to me?"

Xie Junyan looked at his watch. "It\'s almost time for dinner. Wait a minute. I\'ll buy you something to eat."

"Ah? Please, Jun Yan!" Gu Luoluo said, "I\'ll transfer your money later."

"Lolo, how can you see me like this? It hurts to mention money!" Xie Junyan said discontentedly.

Gu Luoluo smiled and was about to speak. Gu Ningjie opened his mouth, "brother Junyan, my father and I can eat anything, but my sister must eat better."

I don\'t regard Xie Junyan as an outsider at all.

Gu Luoluo was warm and funny. He patted Xie Ningjie\'s hand and said angrily, "ah Jie, you really don\'t want to be polite to your brother."

"Hey, sister, brother Junyan will be my future brother-in-law sooner or later. They are all his own people. He won\'t blame me."

"Ah Jie, what are you talking about?"

"Why am I talking nonsense? How many times has brother Junyan helped us since childhood? I have long regarded brother Junyan as my brother-in-law. Brother Junyan, do you like my sister?"


When Fu Xichen came in, he heard several people talking.

Suddenly, the black eyes narrowed slightly, and the breath of the whole body sank.

He forgot that Gu Luoluo came back this time to get married.

So is the man in the ward her marriage partner?

"Mr. Fu?"

Gu Luoluo was not at ease because of his brother\'s words, so he caught a glimpse of Fu Xichen entering the door.

The man\'s breath is very cold, and his handsome face is expressionless.

The originally lively ward suddenly became silent.