Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 962

When Gu Luoluo was really awake, he vaguely heard the noise at the door of the ward.

"Why don\'t you let us in? There lies my sister and I\'m her brother!"

"Yes, what do you fu always want to do? There lies my family\'s daughter. Don\'t we even have the right to visit?"


Is it her father and her brother?

Gu Luoluo quickly got up, pulled the wound on his back, hissed and frowned.

She got out of bed, went to the door and opened the door of the ward. Sure enough, she saw her father Gu Hai and her brother Gu Ningjie standing outside.

Accompanied by a tall and thin man, Xie Junyan, the man she grew up with.


Gu Ningjie cried out when he saw Gu Luoluo coming out.

"Ah Jie, Dad, Jun Yan."

Gu Luoluo called several people, glanced at the two bodyguards who stopped them, frowned and said, "what are you stopping them for?"

"Miss Gu, it\'s Mr. Fu\'s order. Don\'t let anyone disturb your rest."

The bodyguard replied respectfully.

Fu Xichen ordered it?

Gu Luoluo was surprised and elated. "It\'s all right. I\'m awake. Let them in."

She had seen Fu Xichen\'s consideration and tenderness for a long time, but his affection was always only on a woman.

Unexpectedly, one day, she also had the opportunity to taste his tenderness and consideration for herself.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Gu Ningjie stared at the two bodyguards, walked quickly to Gu Luoluo and helped her to the ward.

"I\'m fine. Don\'t worry."

Gu Luoluo patted Gu Ningjie\'s hand and smiled comfortingly.

Gu Ningjie opened his mouth. Before he could speak, Gu Hai\'s voice came from behind. "How can it be all right? Such a heavy chair hit you. This account must be calculated with Fu Xichen."

Settle accounts with Fu Xichen?

Gu Luoluo was held by Gu Ningjie and sat on the bed. He looked at Gu Hai and twisted his eyebrows, "Dad, I have an account to settle, but not with Fu Xichen, but with you! Tell me, have you lost money again? How much have you lost this time, so you have to come back and encourage the neighborhood lion to speak up? Dad, what have you promised me? Don\'t you mean you\'ll never gamble again? Can you repent? Can\'t you live a good life in this life What happened? "

With such a gambler\'s father, she really feels tired.

If she had not met Fu Xichen more than a year ago, perhaps she and his brother would have been forced to jump from a building by debt collection.

At that time, Gu Hai cried bitterly and repeatedly promised that it was the last gambling and would never gamble again.

However, how can gamblers believe their words?

Isn\'t it still stubborn?

"Lolo, what\'s your attitude? When I gamble, don\'t I want to make more money to improve my family\'s life? Your brother is still in high school and has to spend money every day. Your grandmother is ill and has to spend money on medicine. I also have to live myself. If I don\'t gamble, how can I sustain my life?"

He is still strong in his mouth, but he is still empty in his heart.

Gambling is to make money to support the family?

Gu Luoluo just wanted to laugh.

"Dad, how can you say these words? I\'m responsible for all the living expenses of ah Jie and grandma, and I\'m responsible for all the big and small things at home. How about you? I\'ll just waste my hard-earned money! Dad, I don\'t expect anything from you at all. I just want you to stay at home and play a small card with the neighbors. Can you live a good life? ”

Even if he didn\'t do any work, she accepted it.

Who made him her father?

She really begged him to stop borrowing money to gamble!