Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 964

The atmosphere in the ward was a little stagnant.

At this time, Han Bing appeared at the door, followed by a middle-aged woman with food in her hand.

Seeing that the room was full of people, Han Bing was slightly stunned and said, "Mr. Fu, the nurse has arrived, and Miss Gu\'s meal has been bought."

Fu Xichen helped her arrange a nurse and asked someone to buy food for her?

What a considerate man.

Gu Luoluo\'s eyes lit up and were full of stars.

Fu Xichen glanced at her with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. "Take it and pour it. I think she doesn\'t want this meal."

She has a boyfriend to take care of her. He\'s really worried about her in vain.

I can\'t tell what it\'s like in my heart, but I feel inexplicably upset.

"Don\'t pour it out? Who said I didn\'t eat it? I\'m so hungry. I\'m going to eat soon."

Gu Luoluo sees that the nurse is really going to pour out the food and tries to get out of bed.

But the wound on his back showed his teeth again.



Gu Ningjie and Xie Junyan made a sound at the same time and wanted to reach out and hold Gu Luoluo.

But without waiting for further action, Fu Xichen\'s voice rang, "get out of the way."

The sound of full deterrence made them move aside automatically.

Looking back, he saw Fu Xichen walking towards the bed with food in his hand and a wooden face.

Gu Luoluo didn\'t move either. He just looked at him with a pair of apricot eyes, and saw him go to the bedside, open the food box and open his mouth.

"Gu Luoluo, being a patient requires the consciousness of being a patient. As I said, don\'t try to deceive me by adding frost to my illness."

Gu Luoluo: "

No gas, no gas!

That\'s what he always does.

She was flattered that he could think of her and help her arrange everything.

He can\'t be asked to be nice to himself any more.

After all, she\'s not her own.

Gu Luoluo not only was not angry, but also looked at Fu Xichen\'s side face and curved lips.

It\'s just that she\'s not angry, but others are very angry.

Gu Ningjie frowned and said, "Mr. Fu, my sister was hurt for you. Can you treat my sister better?"

His sister is the best sister in the world. She can\'t stand being cold faced by others.

"Ah Jie."

Gu Luoluo was startled and shook his head at Gu Ningjie.

Gu Ningjie was unconvinced. "Elder sister, am I wrong? I don\'t like to see him put his face on you."

Hearing this, Fu Xichen glanced at him and said slowly, "little brother, your sister was really hurt for me, but what is the cause? I don\'t think I need to elaborate?"

Cause Because of his father, of course.

Gu Ningjie\'s black eyes flashed slightly, but there was no half concession on his mouth. "Then you can\'t spread your anger on my sister. My sister is not your vent."

Fu Xichen\'s vent!

Gu Luoluo was terrified when he heard this. He was afraid that a man with a darker and darker face would trouble Gu Ningjie.

"Well, ah Jie, you and Jun Yan go first."

"I don\'t, sister. I\'ll take care of you here."

Gu Ningjie frowned and refused to leave.

"Your sister\'s injury is behind her back. I\'ll ask you, how do you want a big man to take care of her?"

Fu Xichen on one side opened his mouth quietly and stared at Gu Ningjie.


Gu Ningjie\'s face changed for a while and his face was embarrassed.

Seeing this, Gu Luoluo hurriedly said, "OK, ah Jie, hurry back. I can be here alone."


Gu Ningjie wanted to talk and stopped. When he received Gu Luoluo\'s eyes, he could only nod his head.

"Sister, let\'s go first. Brother Junlan and I will see you again tomorrow."


Gu Luoluo nodded with a smile, glanced at Xie Junyan and nodded slightly with him.

Xie Junlan replied with a gentle smile.

There was a silent sense of tacit understanding between the two. Fu Xichen glanced casually and only felt it was dazzling.