Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 945

Gulolo is gone.

Shu Lan looked at the car going away with a reluctant face.

Gu Luoluo\'s last words to himself flashed in his mind.

Feel the people and things around you with your heart?

What exactly is gulolo implying?

Listen to her in the clouds.

"Miss Shu, the old lady is already waiting for you. Can you start?"

The housekeeper asked respectfully behind Shu Lan.

Shulan nodded hurriedly, "OK."

Mrs. Fu asked her to accompany her to the temple on the mountain to eat fast and chant Buddha for a few days. She had no reason to refuse.

At this time, the mobile phone rings.

Shu Lan took out her mobile phone and took a look and found that it was Fu Xichen\'s call.

Connect, didn\'t wait for Fu Xichen to speak, she Yan Yan way: "ah Chen, Luo Luo left."

Fu Xichen on the other end of the phone was silent, "well, she told me."

Really gone?

That woman, she really did what she said!

"Ah Chen, Lolo said she would go back to her hometown to find her boyfriend. Do you know where her home is? It must not be a big city, right? I don\'t know whether the men there are reliable or not. Will Lolo see the men in small towns?"

Back home to find a boyfriend?

Fu Xichen at the other end of the phone held his mobile phone tightly.

She quit her job just to go back to find a man?


Fu Xichen could not tell what it was like.

I feel like my toy is going to be robbed by others. I\'m so angry.

Isn\'t Gu Luoluo\'s hometown in Nanwan town?

As it happens, he wants to see what kind of boyfriend she will find.

Fu Xichen took a deep breath, thought of something and said tentatively, "Lan Lan, where are you now? I\'m going on a business trip. The place happens to be Nanwan Town, Gu Luoluo\'s hometown. Why don\'t you go with me?"

Fu Yunting may have deliberately deceived him.

Maybe grandma didn\'t let Shu Lan accompany her up the mountain at all?

"No, I have to accompany my grandmother up the mountain to eat fast and chant Buddha. What a coincidence."

Shu Lan looked regretful.

She wants to go with Fu Xichen. Maybe she can see Gu Luoluo find a boyfriend and help her make a reference.

It\'s just old lady Fu\'s words. She can\'t help it.

Is that true?

Fu Xichen\'s dark eyes were deep and took a deep breath. "Next time, I\'ll take you out for a walk next time. You\'re good by Grandma\'s side. You should pay attention to your body. Don\'t be tired. Wait for me to come back."

When he came back, he said he would take her away.

You can\'t put it in Fu\'s old house anymore!


Shu Lan responded obediently, hung up the phone and walked quickly to the villa, ready to go up the mountain with old lady Fu.

At the other end of the phone, Fu Xichen pinched his eyebrows and left the office door slightly tired.

Fu Yunting really doesn\'t treat him as a person when he just came back and has to go on a business trip.

Walking through the corridor, I came to the elevator entrance and saw Fu Yunting stride towards him.

Looks like he\'s going out, too.

Fu Xichen\'s face sank when he thought of his arrangement.

The elevator door opened with a tinkle, and two equally tall figures walked in one after another.

When the elevator door closed, Fu Xichen glanced at the noble, cold and arrogant man next to him, and a touch of mockery arose from the corners of his mouth.

"Fu Yunting, I\'m in such a hurry to spend my money. I\'m afraid I\'ll be alone with LAN LAN, share a room at night and do something that husband and wife should do? But you don\'t think about it. We\'ve done what we should and shouldn\'t do long ago. Are you like hiding your ears and stealing your bell now?"

Men always want their women to be clean and only belong to themselves.

But when he found that his woman had already had something with other men, could he calm down?

Even if you are calm on the surface, what about your heart?

Fu Xichen just wanted to plant a thorn in Fu Yunting\'s heart.

Isn\'t it that someone\'s breath is as cold as the cold wind from Siberia at the moment? Is it angry?

Fu Yunting\'s fist was clenched, and his icy eyes swept over Fu Xichen, as if he wanted to kill.

"Fu Xichen, if you love one, you will love her all. I\'m not like you. I won\'t take care of the previous things, but from today on, you won\'t touch her any more!"

Sow discord?

He won\'t be fooled. He will only regard his reaction as his anger before admitting defeat!