Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 944

Hearing Fu Xichen\'s words, Fu Yunting curled his lips and smiled.

"The company really doesn\'t have this rule, but I\'m afraid you can\'t do it."

He is not stupid. How can he let his wife get along with his brother alone again?

He made arrangements early in the morning.

"Fu Yunting, what do you mean?" Fu Xichen asked with a cold face.

"It means that grandma is going to burn incense and worship Buddha on the mountain. Lingling should accompany grandma these two days."

This is his next arrangement.

This is the only time for grandma to go out of the mountain again!

Fu Yunting\'s complacency is in sharp contrast to Fu Xichen\'s anger at this time.

Fu Xichen was so angry that he was about to swim on the edge of losing control, and his peach blossom eyes were full of burning anger.

This cunning fox is cruel enough!


On the other side, Fu\'s old house.

Shu Lan holds a small milk bag in her hand and looks at Gu Luoluo who is packing. She wants to stop talking.

She didn\'t expect that Gu Luoluo came out of the bar in the morning, went back to the Fu\'s old house first, and then began to pack up without saying a word and said he wanted to leave here.

"Lolo, are you really leaving?"

She has no other friends around her. Gu Luoluo is her only female friend.

For so long, although she was Fu Xichen\'s secretary, she always treated her as a sister.

Now she suddenly wants to leave. She\'s really reluctant.

Gu Luoluo packed her luggage, looked at Shulan, reached out and pinched the face of the small milk bag in her hand.

"Yes, I\'m going back to my hometown. I\'m not young, so I should think about my private life. In our village, a woman as old as me has already married. I can\'t patronize my work and finally become an old woman who can\'t get married."

Hearing this, Shu Lan pursed her lips and looked tangled.

"Lolo, I hope you can find your own happiness as soon as possible, but I still don\'t want you to leave. Why don\'t you go back to your hometown? Let\'s let ah Chen have a look and help you find a good man."

In her eyes, Gu Luoluo is a gentle and kind girl. She should marry a good man.

Fu Xichen\'s identity is there. The men he knows must be excellent and he will be able to pick a good man suitable for Gu Luoluo.

Looking at Shu Lan\'s pure eyes, Gu Luoluo sighed and put his hand around her and the little milk bag.

"Shulan, I\'m sorry, I\'m really sorry."

She can only silently say sorry in her heart and forgive her for helping Fu Xichen do such absurd things.

Fortunately, the absurd thing is coming to an end after all.

It\'s time for her to leave, too.

"What nonsense? What did you tell me? I\'m sorry."

Shu Lan didn\'t know why. She just thought Gu Luoluo felt sorry for herself because she couldn\'t promise to stay. She immediately smiled and said Gu Luoluo was stupid.

Gu Luoluo didn\'t explain either. He loosened Shu Lan, looked at her beautiful face and opened his mouth, "Shu Lan, you actually..."

She wanted to tell her that she was not Shu Lan. She was Xia Ling and Fu Yunting\'s wife.

But in the end, she swallowed the words to her mouth.

With Fu Yunting, I believe that the truth will come out one day.

"Lolo, what do you want to say?"

Shu Lan blinked her eyes and looked puzzled.


Gu Luoluo smiled, "I just want to say that you are actually the purest and kindest woman I have ever seen."

After a pause, she smiled slightly, "Shulan, remember my words. Your heart won\'t deceive others. Feel all the people and things around you with your heart. You can always tell who is sincere to you."

I hope she can quickly think of her past and everything will return to its original state.