Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 946

Haicheng is close to the sea. There are endless sea areas and jungle covered mountains.

Puqing temple is famous in Haicheng.

An endless stream of pilgrims from all over the country were received in one day.

Old lady Fu and her party came to the foot of the mountain and had been met by familiar monks for a long time.

After all, the incense money that the Fu family pays tribute to the temple every year is sky high.

Mrs. Fu also comes to live in the mountains for a period of time before autumn every year to cultivate herself.

I came early this year.

Shu Lan followed Mrs. Fu, followed the party up the mountain and was placed in the wing room of the back mountain.

Looking at the simple house, pushing open the window and smelling the air with the fragrance of grass and trees outside, Shu Lan took a deep breath and looked relaxed and happy.

The knock on the door sounded. Shu Lan looked back and saw that old lady Fu came in with the help of sister-in-law Zhang.

"Lan Lan, are you tired?"

"Grandma, I\'m not tired."

Shu Lan hurried over and helped old lady Fu sit down.

Old lady Fu sat on the chair and looked at Shu Lan\'s loving face. "Would it be boring for you to accompany me, an old woman, to eat fast and chant Buddha here?"

The eldest grandson has another idea. Is this holding Shu Lan by his side in a disguised form?

This time, she will take the opportunity to ask some famous questions.

"No, the environment here is quiet and can wash the soul. I think it\'s very good."

Shu Lan hugged the little man in the stroller and smiled.

Old lady Fu nodded lovingly, glanced at the little man in her hand, looked at her powdered little face, and her old eyes flashed slightly.

"Look, nianxi looks more like her, but who does she look like?"

Zhang\'s mother is an old person. She has been around old lady Fu for many years and has long known her temper.

Is this testing Shulan?

"Forgive me for my clumsy eyes. The child hasn\'t grown up yet. I don\'t think she\'s like Fu Ershao or miss Shu."

Shu Lan was embarrassed and didn\'t know how to reply.

What does it mean that children are not like their parents?

Is Mrs. Fu doubting the child\'s blood?

Old lady Fu has been observing Shu Lan\'s expression. She sees that her eyes are still clear and quiet, but she doesn\'t feel guilty.

"Lan Lan, grandma only knows that you have lost your memory and hasn\'t asked about you and Xichen carefully. How are your feelings? Xichen is very busy. Do you feel left out?"

Hearing the speech, Shu Lan quickly replied, "grandma, ah Chen is very kind to me. Although he is not often at home, we talk on the phone every day."

"Really? What about you? Are you two together because he is good to you, or do you choose to be with him because you like him?"

Shu Lan was stunned and didn\'t know how to answer this question.

Mrs. Fu said with a smile: "Lan Lan was silly when I asked? Let me ask in another way! When you are with Xichen, does he like you more or do you like him more?"

Who likes who more?

Shu Lan couldn\'t figure out what medicine old lady Fu was selling in her gourd. After thinking about it, she truthfully replied, "he should like me more."

"Oh? It seems that there are more loving men in LAN LAN\'s heart?"

Old lady Fu looked at Shu Lan with meaning.

Shu Lan\'s heart jumped and somehow she thought of Fu Yunting in her mind.

A trace of uneasiness flashed across her face. She said angrily, "grandma, how do I feel you\'re talking about my fickleness?"