Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 915

"Yes, did you hear it?"

Wen ruoqing said quietly, "Fu Yunting, in fact, I admire sister Xia and sister warm. Because the men around them are good men with one heart and one mind. They are not like the men around me..."

Isn\'t the man around her Jiang Lingyun?

She knew Jiang Lingyun\'s mind early in the morning.

But didn\'t you put your mind on her later?

Did they quarrel?

"Wen ruoqing, did you quarrel with Jiang Lingyun?"

No wonder he suddenly said he would return home. It seems that there is a problem between the two.

"Who\'s arguing with him? It\'s boring."

Wen ruoqing sniffed, "if you don\'t say this, sister Xia finally has a breakthrough, but do you know that sister warm has an accident again. The two sisters I know have so many disasters."

"Something happened to warm? What happened?"

Recently, his heart has been hanging on Xia Ling and Fu Xichen, but he hasn\'t paid attention to other things.

"The child in her belly was lost by Mrs. Jiang, and then she ran away with Du Siqing. But who knows, they met a car accident on the road, the car was destroyed and people were killed, and brother Jiang was going crazy."

Car wreck and death!

Fu Yunting\'s pupil suddenly shrunk, "is it true that the car was destroyed and people were killed?"

"The car fell off a cliff. It looks like this. But brother Jiang doesn\'t believe it. He\'s frantically looking for a warm sister."

Wen ruoqing sighed repeatedly, and Fu Yunting frowned, which was also a sweat for Jiang Lingfeng and warmth.

Their love path is no better than that between him and Xia Ling.

Just hope the warmth can be peaceful.

Otherwise, who knows what Jiang Lingfeng will become.

"What about the accident? Was it an accident or was it intentional?"

It\'s not his conspiracy theory. It\'s just that so many things have happened that he always thinks more.

"It looks like an accident, but I think it\'s man-made."

Is it really man-made?

Fu Yunting looked cold, "what do you say?"

"The car that bumped into sister Wen and Du Siqing was a big truck. The truck driver was drunk and rushed over the protective fence to their car. However, according to my detailed investigation, the truck driver was in the advanced stage of cancer and only had a life span of three months. His family conditions were average, but after his death, his son bought a car in the city center with all the money apartment. Don\'t you think there\'s something fishy in it? "

Wen ruoqing tells the investigation process. Fu Yunting\'s face is slightly heavy and defaults to Wen ruoqing\'s statement.

"It seems that someone deliberately did this car accident?"

Who would want warmth and dusqing\'s life?

"Yes, I\'ve sent someone to check it. Hey, sister warm has too many things to check. Suddenly I feel a little useless."

Wen ruoqing wailed, and Fu Yunting hooked his lips. "No, Wen ruoqing, didn\'t anyone say that? You\'re a female man, better than ordinary men."

"Well, that\'s why men don\'t like my type, right?"

Fu Yunting: "


The next day was sunny.

In Fu Xichen\'s villa, Shu Lan sat on the balcony basking in the sun with a small milk bag.

Faintly, there was the sound of cars outside.

Shu Lan looked around and saw a car parked at the door of the villa.

Then, the rear door of the car was opened, and a gray haired old man came down from the inside, followed by an old mother holding her.

Shu Lan looked curiously and saw that the old man was looking in his direction.

After a long distance, she couldn\'t see her face clearly. Shu Lan blinked and took the child downstairs.