Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 914

Fu Yunting looked at Aunt Li with black eyes like ink. "Aunt Li, your son and grandson have returned home safely. You can go."

Although he has some regrets, he will not use the servant who has been unfaithful to himself.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you for raising your hand. I will repay you as an ox and horse in my next life."

Aunt Li burst into tears and knelt down to Fu Yunting with a plop, knocking her head heavily.

LAN Mei was startled and hurriedly pulled her up.

"Aunt Li, what are you doing? Yunting, why did you drive Aunt Li away?"

"Madam, I\'m sorry for my husband and wife. I knew that my wife was transferred early in the morning, but I haven\'t confessed to my husband for my own sake."

Aunt Li wiped her tears and confessed to LAN Mei, "Sir, I will never forget your kindness to help me find my son and grandson controlled by that woman."

After a few words, let Lanmei take Aunt Li\'s hand slightly loose and look at her with a complicated expression. She doesn\'t know what to say.

Fu Yunting didn\'t say any more, but just picked up his son and got up, "Mom, let\'s go home."

LAN Mei was stunned and nodded, "OK. Yunting, what about Lingling? Where is she now?"

"Mom, don\'t worry, I\'ll tell you slowly..."

Behind her, Aunt Li wiped away her tears, looked nostalgically at the small milk bag lying on Fu Yunting\'s shoulder, and sighed slightly.

I\'ll never meet such a good customer again. I hope they can be happy and safe until they grow old.

Outside, Fu Yunting took LAN Mei and his son back to his villa.

"Mom, it\'s getting late. You should rest early. I\'ll take care of the children tonight and a new servant will come to help tomorrow."

He has asked his grandmother to send another old servant in the old house to help his son to make up for Aunt Li\'s vacancy.


LAN Mei was feeling and looked at Fu Yunting and said, "Yunting, Lingling, where is she now? Can\'t you tell me?"

"Mom, wait for me patiently for a few more days, and I\'ll let you meet Lingling as soon as possible."

Now let his mother-in-law meet Xia Ling. He\'s afraid it will stimulate Xia Ling.

Wait a little longer.

"OK, Yunting, you must bring Lingling back as soon as possible."


After settling down Lanmei, Fu Yunting took the sleeping little guy into the children\'s room and watched his sleeping face hook his lips.

When the mobile phone rang, Fu Yunting was afraid of waking the little guy. He quickly pressed it into silence and strode out of the door.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was Wen ruoqing\'s phone.

I think it was the bodyguard who reported to her about tonight.

After connecting, Wen ruoqing\'s lazy voice came from the phone, "Fu Yunting, did you take your mother-in-law and children away?"

"Yes, thank you for this time."

"Why did you take them back so soon? Has sister Xia gone home?"

went home

He wants to.

Fu Yunting hooked his lips, "not yet, but it should be fast."

"What is fast? Fu Yunting, where is sister Xia now? I\'m going to see her."

"She will go to the old house tomorrow."

Fu Yunting said: "Lingling, she doesn\'t remember now. It\'s better not to stimulate her."

"I\'m not a monster. How can I stimulate her?"

The woman\'s tone was a little aggressive and sounded very upset.

Fu Yunting slightly raised his eyebrow, "if Wen ruoqing, are you in a bad mood?"

Although the little girl is usually fierce to him, her tone is obviously different today.

What\'s the matter?