Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 916

Downstairs, Gu Luoluo, who heard the doorbell, had already opened the door. When he saw that old lady Fu came in, he couldn\'t help worrying.

"Old lady."


Mrs. Fu didn\'t expect to see Gu Luoluo here.

Gu Luoluo is also the daughter recognized by Fu Bohai. Although she doesn\'t come to the old house much at ordinary times, she has a good impression of Gu Luoluo.

A very clever girl.

It seems that she is taking care of the women and children inside for Fu Xichen?

Fu Lao Fu\'s face was silent, but his heart was full of stomach Fei.

I received a call from Fu Yunting last night and asked her to come today. Be sure to bring the people here back to the old house.

He said that the people living here are very important, and the titles are Fu Xichen\'s wife and children.

But actually

What is it actually?

The annoying grandson aroused her appetite and said that he would explain the matter to her in detail in the future.

This smelly boy, I don\'t know what he\'s playing tricks on!

"Old lady, are you here?"

Gu Luoluo calmed down after the initial panic and welcomed Mrs. Fu in.

"I heard from Yun ting that Xi Chen is going to get married and have children? How can I not come and have a look at such a big thing?"

Mrs. Fu was supported by sister-in-law Zhang and sat on the sofa and opened her mouth.

Gu Luoluo poured a glass of water and handed it to her. He knew it clearly.

It seems that Fu Yunting wants old lady Fu to come forward and take Shu Lan and her children back to the old house?

At this time, Shu Lan came down from upstairs with her child in her arms.

"Lolo, there are guests at home?"

Smelling the speech, Mrs. Fu gave a drink to her hand, raised her eyes and looked at Shu Lan. Her old eyes narrowed.

The sound?

How is it like Lingling?

And this face is also similar to his granddaughter-in-law.

This is the so-called Fu Xichen\'s wife and children?

"Shulan, the old lady of the Fu family came to see you."

Gu Luoluo introduced them to each other: "old lady, this is Shulan."

Old Fu family?

Shu Lan was slightly stunned and looked at old lady Fu.

It\'s the first time to meet, but I feel friendly for no reason.

"Hello, Mrs. Fu."

"Hey, good boy, come here and let me have a closer look."

Old lady Fu pressed down the strangeness in her heart and waved lovingly to Shu Lan.

Shu Lan took the child and went to old lady Fu to sit down.

Old lady Fu looked at her carefully, and then looked at the little man in her arms, which was strange in her heart.

The daughter-in-law doesn\'t look like her own child.

It\'s kind of like

Fu Laofu was shocked and had many thoughts.

"Son, your name is Shulan?"

Don\'t think so much first. Only when you see your grandson can you understand the whole story.

"Yes, Mrs. Fu."

"Don\'t be so divided. Just call me grandma."

Old lady Fu patted Shu Lan\'s hand. "Xi Chen is a real child. He\'s so old that he won\'t take you back to Fu\'s house? How can he be so irresponsible? It\'s time to criticize! Well, you go back to my old house with me for a while. When Xi Chen comes back, I\'ll decide for you. What should I do?"

Go back to the old house with old lady Fu?

Shu Lan hesitated and glanced at Gu Luoluo, who couldn\'t make up her mind.

Gu Luoluo bent his lips. "Luoluo, old lady Fu is an elder. You should listen to her."

Old lady Fu came to take people back in person. Can they still listen?

Fu Yunting really wants to see Shu Lan for a fair reason!