Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 913

When Gu Luoluo pushed the door in, he saw Fu Yunting holding the child in his hand. Shu Lan had just made milk powder. They were teasing the child and feeding the child.

Men are handsome, women are beautiful and children are lovely.

It looks like a family of three, very harmonious.

Gu Luoluo has sparkling apricot eyes and slightly hooked red lips.

His eyes met those of Fu Yunting. Gu Luoluo nodded to him. They knew it.

After dinner, Gu Luoluo and Shu Lan didn\'t stay in the urban area any more and took a car back with a small milk bag.

Fu Yunting drove behind them and watched them get home safely. Then he was relieved and prepared to return the same way.

The light of the villa came on. Fu Yunting sat quietly on the cab, tapping the steering wheel with his hands, and his eyes were full of ink.

I really want to take her back now.

Don\'t worry, he and she will be reunited soon.

Thin lips light hook, Fu Yunting took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone to go out.

"Grandma, there\'s something my grandson needs your help..."

He won\'t leave her here alone.

He will never let her live in Fu Xichen\'s villa again.

If you want to live, live in the old house.

Fu Yunting hung up the phone, drove the car and didn\'t go home. He went to wenruoqing\'s villa by the sea.

The wife found it, and the son and mother-in-law should take it home.

"Mr. Fu."

In the heavily guarded seaside villa, seeing Fu Yunting get out of the car, the bodyguard greeted him respectfully.

Fu Yunting went into the villa with a slight jaw.

In the villa, Lanmei sat on the sofa teasing her little milk bag, while Aunt Li stood by.


Fu Yunting came in and said hello to her.

"Cloud thunder is coming?"

Lanmei smiled and looked at Fu Yunting with her eldest grandson. "Look, baby, who\'s here?"

The little milk bag grinned and danced with small hands and feet.

Fu Yunting\'s heart softened and held his son in his arms.

"Boy, are you good today? Did you make trouble with grandma?"

"No, my grandson is clever."

Lanmei smiled and defended her grandson. Thinking of something, she said tentatively, "Yunting, can\'t we go back?"

Inexplicably, he was taken to the seaside for a month.

The son-in-law will come to see her, but the daughter doesn\'t even have a phone.

She doesn\'t even know what happened.

Hearing LAN Mei\'s words, Fu Yunting smiled slightly.

"Mom, I\'ll take you back tonight, but..."

Fu Yunting\'s eyes swept to Aunt Li with her head hanging slightly, and her eyes were slightly heavy.

Aunt Li\'s head dropped lower, her shoulders shrunk slightly, and she had already felt something.

"Can you go home? Yunting, what do you want to say?"

Lanmei didn\'t know that her daughter was transferred. She was very happy to hear that she could go home.

"Mom, I want to confess something to you."

Fu Yunting sat on the sofa with his son in his arms and deep eyebrows. "The woman who lived in the villa after giving birth to a child is not really Lingling. She is Xiaxi, Suhe\'s daughter. She conspired with my brother to take Lingling away, and she disguised herself as Lingling and mixed with us. Fortunately, we finally saw through her trick. Now, she has been driven away by me."


Lanmei was surprised and couldn\'t believe it.

"Yun Ting, how could this happen?"

Countless scenes flashed in her mind, and LAN Mei nodded clearly, "no wonder, no wonder Lingling\'s temper has become so strange, just like changing a personnel. It turns out that the woman is not my daughter Lingling at all!"

Isn\'t it!

Who would have thought that Xia Xi and Fu Xichen would do such absurd things.