Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 912

Fu Xichen on the other end of the phone spent a lot of effort to suppress his anger.

"Go back early after dinner. Lan Lan, I don\'t blame you, but you\'d better stay out of my brother\'s business."

Did Fu Yunting take action so soon?

Actually, he should have expected it, didn\'t he?

He just wants to find a chance to get along with Xia Ling?

Will she fall in love with him again?

No, it won\'t!

"Well, I see."

Shulan hung up and spit out her tongue.

Glancing at Fu Yunting on the table, he saw him smiling at himself.

What a flat smile.

Shu Lan stared at him and saw that the little guy woke up. He ignored him and went to pick up the child.

Outside the door, Gu Luoluo\'s cell phone rang.

Gu Luoluo pushed the door with his hand, took out his mobile phone, looked at it, and pursed his red lips.

It\'s Fu Xichen.

I think I came to check the post.

When he was connected, Fu Xichen\'s cold words came from the phone.

"Gu Luoluo, why did you take Shulan out?"

He knows?

Looks like I just talked to Shulan on the phone?

Gu Luoluo said, "Niannian\'s pacifier needs to be changed to a larger one. I want to go out and bring Shulan out. President Fu, Shulan is not a canary. You can\'t keep her closed all the time."

"Gu Luoluo! Please remember your identity. You\'re just the nanny I invited. Do your job well and don\'t make your own decisions for me!"

Nanny, please!

Even though he knew his status in his heart was low, Gu Luoluo\'s heart still hurt uncontrollably.

Holding the mobile phone tightly, Gu Luoluo swallowed the bitterness in his mouth, "I know, President Fu."

Fu Xichen on the other end of the phone was silent, and his sullen mood gradually calmed down.

"Say, how did you meet Fu Yunting? What did he do to her?"

"When we met him at the mother and baby shop, he didn\'t make any unusual behavior, just like a normal eldest brother to his younger sister."

Gu Luoluo collected his emotions and replied officially.

Fu Xichen asked, "is that all?"

"Yes, he politely invited us to dinner. Shu Lan thought you were brothers and wanted to resolve your differences, so she readily agreed."

Gu Luoluo lowered his eyes and didn\'t sell himself foolishly.

"I see. Keep staring at them and take Shulan back after dinner."


When the phone hung up, Gu Luoluo raised his eyes and looked at the light above his head. He pulled the corners of his mouth and made a silent mockery.

I don\'t know when such a painful day will come.

Maybe it should be coming to an end.

In the private room, Fu Yunting watched Shu Lan pick up the small milk bag, and Gu Luoluo\'s words flashed in his mind.

Is this the daughter of Ji Linhan and Cheng Rongjiu?

The mood was a little complicated. Fu Yunting got up and went to Shu Lan\'s eyes and looked at the small milk bag carefully.

The little guy is white, his big eyes are black and bright, and his small mouth is red. When he sees him, he grins at him.

Very cute.

Fu Yunting bent his lips and unconsciously stretched out his hand.

Shu Lan blinked and saw the little milk bag in her arms pedaling her legs and hugging Fu Yunting.

Why is this child not afraid of birth?

Is it because Fu Yunting and Fu Xichen are somewhat similar?

"Let uncle hug."

Fu Yunting hugged the small milk bag into his arms, smelled the milk fragrance on her, and thought of his own son.

They are lovely little milk bags.

Looking at Fu Yunting\'s skillful embrace of the child, Shu Lan was surprised.

"Does big brother often hold children at home?"

She thought that a male chauvinist man like him would not be close to his children.

"Yes. My wife is not at home, so I\'m both a father and a mother."

Fu Yunting teased the small milk bag, and his eyes touched Shu Lan gently, deep and secluded.

Shu Lan\'s Apricot eyes were shining, and she just felt that men seemed to be flirting with her.

Just like, she is the wife who hasn\'t returned home for a long time. Now she finally comes back. He is complaining and asking for credit.


What a mess.

Get up and drink the milk powder quickly.