Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 902

"Haha, warm, don\'t you believe it? I can send you this call. You can go to the authority to test and see if the sound in it is Ling Feng\'s own."

An Xueyan smiled proudly, making her warm face white.

Her tone was not half guilty, and the news was overwhelming. At this time, Jiang Lingfeng let her talk to her with her mobile phone.

So, this is what Jiang Lingfeng said in his heart?

That\'s his real attitude, isn\'t it?

Is it funny that she has been living in her dream?

The warm palm is very ice, and the sun is shining on her head, but it can\'t shine into her heart.

An Xueyan\'s voice is still echoing in the current.

She said, "warm, as a woman, actually I sympathize with you. I also saw your news. Lingfeng\'s mother said she wouldn\'t admit you were the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. I think Lingfeng must be very upset."

"Maybe he likes you, but a man is a man. Do you think he will really be desperate for you? What\'s more, he is the person in power of the Jiang family. In order to consolidate his career, he can\'t be accused of being ungrateful, disloyal and unfilial for you. Warm, your marriage to Ling Feng is over."

Her marriage to him is over!

An Xueyan\'s words killed her heart word by word, and actually pressed on her heart.

At the moment, her face was bloodless, and she just felt that her trip back was too superfluous.

She knew in her heart what was the biggest problem between them.

It\'s his mother, isn\'t it?

She forgot that he was human and could not withstand pressure.

So, she gave him too much pressure, so she asked him to go to an Xueyan to complain?

The warm thoughts are floating. Slowly looking back at the villa bathed in the sun, my heart is a little cooler.

A burst of footsteps came, and then countless reporters rushed towards her.

"Mrs. Jiang, Mr. Jiang cheated on miss an. What do you think?"

"Mrs. Jiang, you have an affair with Mr. Du Siqing. President Jiang goes to find miss an, so do you choose to play each other in your marriage?"

"Mrs. Jiang, do you have any plans for divorce?"


Countless long and short guns were aimed at her.

I don\'t know who hit her head with the microphone, which made her cry with pain.

She didn\'t want to cry, but she couldn\'t stop her tears.

"Go away, you go away."

Warm desperately pushed away the obstacles in front of her, but the reporters still frantically slapped her in the face.

he \'s really not letting this go.

Tears blurred my eyes and my heart was suffocating!

At this time, a male voice came, "get out of the way."

Then, without waiting for the warm response, the person has been held in his arms as soon as he is warm.

Warm raised her tearful eyes and saw Du Siqing holding her forward under the lead of the bodyguard.

"Xiao Nuan, don\'t be afraid."

The man\'s voice was gentle and warm, covered his mouth, and his tears couldn\'t help flowing down.



"President Jiang, wake up."

"President Jiang..."

There are countless flies buzzing in my ears.

Jiang Lingfeng twisted his eyebrows and slowly opened his eyes.

"President Jiang, you finally wake up."

Several bodyguards were greatly relieved to see Jiang Lingfeng wake up.

Jiang Lingfeng sat up and felt a splitting headache.

Slightly lowered his eyes and looked at him sitting on the bed with his clothes half untied. He couldn\'t help but change his face.

"What\'s going on? Where\'s an Xueyan?"

Why did he fall asleep in bed?

The buttons are untied, too?

Remember to ask him Xueyan, and then

The head suddenly swells and hurts badly, and the thoughts are like a mess, which makes people unable to sort out.