Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 901

Warm returned to the villa in Lin Ke\'er\'s car.

"Ke\'er, thank you for giving you trouble."

Warm got out of the car and smiled apologetically at Lin Ke\'er.

"Why are you polite to me?"

Lin Ke\'er said, "I have today thanks to you and President Jiang! So I hope you two can live together well."

Warm smile, waved with Lin Ke\'er and watched her car leave.

Turn around, look at the luxury villa in front, warm and deep breath, cheer up and prepare to enter the door.

The mobile phone on your hand keeps ticking.

Warm raised his hand and glanced at it. When he saw the content above, his face suddenly changed.

She hurriedly stopped and clicked on the hot search.

Hot search is about an Xueyan and Jiang Lingfeng.

The title reads: Jiang Lingfeng, President of Jiangshi group, has a secret meeting with his ex girlfriend. There is no doubt that he cheated in marriage.

Below the title, a striking intimate photo pops up on the paper.

The content in the news points out that Jiang Lingfeng\'s true love for an Xueyan.

When an Xueyan\'s scandal was flying all over the world, she supported her personally.

The news also said that the reason why Jiang Lingfeng did this may be to tell everyone in disguise that he would choose to listen to his mother, divorce his wife and stay with an Xueyan.

Turning over the news, his warm face turned white inch by inch, but he didn\'t believe the report was true at all.

Jiang Lingfeng is not such a person.

He just blew out an Xueyan\'s black material one second ago. How can he date her the next second?

What the hell is going on?

It must be an Xueyan again!

Warm barely calmed down and took out his mobile phone to call Jiang Lingfeng.

The telephone rang for a long time and was finally connected.

Warm hurriedly shouted, "Ling Feng, where are you now?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, but then an Xueyan\'s smiling voice sounded, "warm? Ling Feng is taking a bath! What\'s up?"

Jiang Lingfeng is taking a bath!

The warm red lips turned white, and the hand holding the mobile phone tightened.

"An Xueyan, I don\'t want to talk to you. Give him the phone!"

"Ha, warm, did you see the news? In fact, it\'s not that I don\'t want to call Ling Feng now, but that he doesn\'t want to talk to you at this time! Because he didn\'t expect that the reporter\'s sense of smell was so sensitive that he would move the photos of our secret meeting online. He hasn\'t figured out how to showdown with you yet."

A paragraph of words, full of pride and provocation.

The warm fingertips turned white and couldn\'t help shouting: "an Xueyan, you don\'t sow discord. Ling Feng is not such a person!"

"Isn\'t he like that? Warm, do you really know a man? Why don\'t I listen to you first."

An Xueyan laughed proudly. After a while, there was a conversation between men and women on the phone.

"Ling Feng, to be honest, who is your favorite person?"

"Your favorite person is an Xueyan."

"If you love me, will you stay with me?"

"No. I\'m divorcing her now. People will say I\'m heartless."

"So, in fact, you care about her having an affair with dusqing, don\'t you?"

"Yes, I\'m a man. How can I not care? Thank my mother for losing the child."

This is the end of the dialogue. Standing warm in the wind, I quietly listened to the dialogue between the two people. I only felt a chill rising from the soles of my feet, freezing her whole body and shaking her whole body.

"It\'s not true, it\'s not true! It\'s not Jiang Lingfeng\'s voice! An Xueyan, you must have forged it, right?"

Jiang Lingfeng can\'t say such a thing!

However, the heart is sinking a little bit!