Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 903

Several bodyguards looked at each other.

One of the bodyguards said, "President Jiang, we don\'t know what happened in the club just now. An Xueyan and her people left and said you were resting inside. We were afraid of your accident, so we ran in and found you sleeping in bed."

He fell asleep in bed?

What the hell is an Xueyan doing?

Why does he feel that his memory of this period of time is so vague?

Jiang Lingfeng frowned deeply and tried to recall his memory after entering the club.

He remembered that he pinched an Xueyan\'s neck and questioned her whether she had given the medicine in the chicken soup.

She said the medicine was given by his mother!

And then

There was a tingling pain in his head. Jiang Lingfeng twisted his eyebrows and reached out to rub his temples.

The brain seems to have been dug up.

My heart suddenly panicked.

Jiang Lingfeng took a deep breath, buttoned the button on his chest and found his mobile phone.

The phone is off?

When Jiang Lingfeng started up, countless missed calls and messages came one after another.

Just want to check one or two, the phone rings again.

It\'s his assistant.

Jiang Lingfeng connected the phone and strode out.

"President Jiang, where are you? The people from the board of directors are here."

The board is here?

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face was heavy. "What are they doing here?"

"President Jiang, the scandal between you and an Xueyan is flying all over the world. The company\'s stock fluctuates greatly. Now the board of directors requests to hold a board meeting for you to explain to them."

His affair with an Xueyan is all over the world?

How could he talk to an Xueyan

Jiang Lingfeng\'s footsteps stopped, hurriedly hung up the phone and looked through the news.

When seeing the hot search between himself and an Xueyan, Junlang\'s face was immediately covered with haze.

An Xueyan!

She calculated on him!

Taking a deep breath, he quickly called his assistant, "let someone withdraw the news."

"What about the black material of an Xueyan before? It\'s a rut, and we have to continue to mellow."

"Withdraw! All withdraw!"

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face is full of the ink color of the mountain rain, and he wants to cut an Xueyan.

This woman is so powerful that she plays the trick of lending a building.

Tie him up with her and she won\'t worry that he won\'t withdraw the news.

"President Jiang, there are also reporters squatting outside."

The bodyguard reports to Jiang Lingfeng.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s whole body was swept by the storm, "take the staff channel and try to avoid reporters."

Damn it, Ann Xueyan, good job!

After getting into the car, Jiang Lingfeng pulls open the button on his chest and is full of anger.

With his eyes closed, he took out his cell phone and dialed the servant of the villa.


"Is the young lady still sleeping?"

"Sir, I called you. Mrs. young left a note and left!"


Jiang Lingfeng\'s breath stagnated and asked in a deep voice, "what\'s going on?"

"I don\'t know. Mrs. Shao told me to buy vegetables. When I came back, I stewed the soup and told her to get up for dinner, but she found that there was no one in her room, leaving only a note."

She\'s gone?

Where has she gone!

Jiang Lingfeng\'s forehead jumped abruptly, hurriedly hung up the phone and dialed a warm phone again.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off."

It\'s off!

Why did she turn off her cell phone?

Where the hell is she going?

Jiang Lingfeng\'s forehead exudes fine sweat and dials Warm calls again and again, but no one answers.

His heart was like being burned by fire, which poisoned his whole body.

Hurry up, driver.

Wife, where are you going?

Don\'t go!

Come back!