Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 895

Warm didn\'t ask Jiang Lingfeng whether the scandal about an Xueyan broke out.

Because she knew that the thorn in her heart had nothing to do with an Xueyan.

She and Jiang Lingfeng really love each other. No matter how powerful an Xueyan is, she can\'t destroy the relationship between her and him.

But now

What lies between her and him is the fetter of family affection.

Xu LAN is his mother. If she opposes them, what will he do?

She didn\'t want to see him in the middle.

Now, she can\'t cross the barrier in her heart.

Warm, looking at the scenery passing by the window, his eyes are full of sadness.

Jiang Lingfeng in the cab looked at the warmth on the back seat through the rear-view mirror and saw that her body was covered with light sadness and her hand holding the steering wheel tightened.

She should still care about the child.

The relief shown in front of him was pretended.

She doesn\'t want him to worry about her, does she?

Jiang Lingfeng\'s black eyes are deep and his thin red lips are pursed into a straight line.

He will settle accounts with an Xueyan and get justice for his wife!

Back home, Jiang Lingfeng took warmth back to bed, waited on her to wash, and then made breakfast for her in person.

Watching her finish her food little by little, Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyebrows are full of joy and warmth.

He sat on the edge of the bed, took a paper towel, wiped the corners of her mouth, put his hand on the back of her head, put his forehead against her forehead, and his voice was soft and affectionate.

"Wife, don\'t worry, I will treat you all my life."

It will take a lifetime to make up for the harm she has suffered because of him.

Wife, trust him!

The man\'s voice was full of determination and warmth.

The warm nasal cavity was so sour that I could hardly control my tears.

The man she loves, why treat her so well.

Good enough to make her feel at a loss!

My mind is constantly rolling, my mind is in a mess, and I don\'t know what I\'m thinking.

At this time, Jiang Lingfeng\'s mobile phone rang.

Jiang Lingfeng loosened her warmth, stroked her hair and said softly, "I\'ll answer the phone first. You lie down and have a good rest."

Warm curved lips, according to the words to lie down.

Watching the tall figure of the man exit the room, she covered her mouth and burst into tears.

She has decided to leave him today.

She wants to be quiet and give herself some private space.

But he is so kind to herself that she really can\'t bear to see him sad!

The mobile phone beeped and a message came.

Warm tears whirled and took a look. It was Lin Ke\'er\'s message.

"The ticket has been bought for you, warm. Are you sure you want to go?"

Are you sure?

The tip of the fingers holding the mobile phone turned white, and the heart was pricked by a needle.

Finally, she bit her lip, "sure."

Please forgive her cowardice.

She really can\'t pretend to be nothing at this time.

In that case, she will become schizophrenic.

"When will I pick you up?"

"Wait for my news."


Downstairs, Jiang Lingfeng looked at the caller ID on his mobile phone, and his thin lips made a cold arc.

An Xueyan\'s call?

Just looking for her!

Connected, an Xueyan\'s angry voice came from the phone.

"Ling Feng, why did you do this? Why did you explode my material?"

"Why don\'t you know? Ann Xueyan, again and again, how many times have you hurt my wife?"

Jiang Ling said coldly, "it\'s just an appetizer. If you hurt my wife, I\'ll settle with you slowly!"