Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 896

"Jiang Lingfeng, make it clear! I hurt warmth? How did I hurt her? Did I climb and bite without evidence?"

An Xueyan of the telephone shouted angrily.

"Random climbing and biting?"

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyebrows and eyes are as cold as ice sculptures. "An Xueyan, do you underestimate my ability? What you have done will always leave traces. I will always find out the truth and give my wife justice!"

"Haha, how fair is it? Ling Feng, it turns out that my relationship with you for more than ten years is not even a fart in the end?"

"Don\'t tell me about your feelings for more than ten years! It\'s because I\'m young and frivolous and don\'t know people clearly that I\'ll offend a woman like you!"


An Xueyan was very angry and paused. "Lingfeng, let\'s make a deal. As long as you let someone withdraw my scandal, I\'ll tell you all the facts."

Tell him all the truth?

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyes moved and his heart was silent.

An Xueyan on the other end of the phone calmed down, "Ling Feng, I want to meet you. Shall we sit down calmly and have a chat? There is a misunderstanding between us. I really don\'t want our friendship to break up because of a warmth."


He didn\'t think there was any misunderstanding between them.

However, he could meet her and listen to her sophistry.



After hanging up the phone, Jiang Lingfeng calmed down, the cold on his face dispersed, turned and strode upstairs, gently pushed open the door of the bedroom.

In the bedroom, I lay warm on the bed, staring at the ceiling overhead in a daze.

Hearing the news, she looked at Jiang Lingfeng.

Jiang Lingfeng saw that she was still awake and strode towards her.

"I\'m going out now. What would you like to eat at noon? I\'ll cook it for you?"

A man\'s voice is gentle and can drip water.

When the warm nasal cavity was sour, he got up quickly and pressed down the tears in his eyes.

"No, you go and help yourself. There\'s a maid at home. Don\'t worry about me."

"OK, I\'ll accompany you when I come back in the evening."

Jiang Lingfeng smiled and rubbed his warm hair.

"Ling Feng."

Warm called Jiang Lingfeng and held him tightly.

Let her hold it again.

Just a minute.

"Well, good, have a good rest."

His little wife is very attached to herself.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s heart was soft and his eyebrows were full of smiles.


Warmth reluctantly forced back the tears in his eyes, "go busy and wait for you to make money to support me."


Jiang Lingfeng kissed her hair and got up and strode away.

Warm eyes followed his back as he left, only feeling the pain of his heart.

The door was gently closed, and warm tears fell down again.

Husband, I\'m sorry. Please forgive her for leaving without saying goodbye.

Let her be wayward once!

Warm wipe away tears, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lin Ke\'er.

"Ke\'er, come and pick me up."


On the other side, there is a club with excellent privacy.

In the VIP room, an Xueyan sat on the sofa, and her delicate makeup couldn\'t hide her gray face.

Her scandals were overwhelming. She tried to get people to withdraw, but was told that Jiang Lingfeng spent a lot of money and ordered her to die. She wanted to make the scandal mellow at all costs until she was notorious and could not gain a foothold in the music industry.

Is this going to be hard on her!

Is it the rhythm to kill her!

Jiang Lingfeng, is that what he did to her?

Since he is ruthless, then don\'t blame her for her injustice!

What she can\'t get, no one else can get it!