Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 894

The night wind blows and the bright moon is in the sky.

The stars twinkle little by little, and the black eyes as clear as children look at all things in the world.

Jiang Lingfeng carried the warmth of sleeping into the back seat of the car, turned on the heating and put his coat on her.

Quietly staring at this small face, it seems that it has lost a circle in just two days.

Pity, heartache, guilt

All kinds of thoughts are intertwined in the heart.

Jiang Lingfeng leaned over slowly and kissed her smooth forehead.

There was a flash of doting in his eyebrows. Jiang Lingfeng gently opened the door and stood straight.

With a smile on his face, he took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone and went out.

"Help me send out the scandal of an Xueyan. I want her to lose her foothold in the music industry."

Hurt his wife, first give her some color to see!


The morning sun shines all over the world.

Warm and quiet turn to wake up, and the bleary eyes are still at a loss when they just woke up.

After moving his body, he suddenly found that he was being hugged by Jiang Lingfeng at this time.

When she moved, the man with his eyes closed patted his back.

Again and again.

Are you kidding the children?

Warm eyes, looking at a circle of green stubble growing on the man\'s firm chin, I couldn\'t help bending the corners of my lips and raising my hand to touch it.


Jiang Lingfeng opened his eyes and reached out to catch the warm hand and rubbed it on his stubble.


He smiled warmly and wanted to retract his hand, but Jiang Lingfeng caught him and kissed him.

The tenderness spread all around, looking at the man warmly and quietly, and feeling the man\'s doting on him.

Somewhere under me is gradually recovering.

He smiled warmly and looked at him jokingly.

"Wife, it\'s not my fault. He only reacts to you."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s innocent face, holding a warm hand and kissing again and again, as if he could taste some sweetness in this way.

Warm curved lips and smiled.

She got up and sat up slightly, pulled her hand out of Jiang Lingfeng\'s palm, covered his solid chest, untied the buttons on his chest one by one, and her slender fingers moved down slowly like a fire.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s breath suddenly sank, a trace of desire lit up in his black eyes, and his voice was filled with surprise.


"Well, good, let your wife serve you..."

An hour later, Jiang Lingfeng tightly hugged the woman in her arms and tried to calm her heart.

There is still a wave of emotion in sharp eyes.

His wife is the most considerate wife in the world!

"Husband, let\'s go and wash our hands!"

Leaning on the warmth in someone\'s arms, he shook his hand and looked up at Jiang Lingfeng with a sad face.

Although she volunteered to help him, it\'s been a long time!

Jiang Lingfeng smiled and kissed his warm little face. "My wife has worked hard. Let\'s go home."

Open the door and slightly dissipate the smell in the car. Jiang Lingfeng opens the cab door.

The beep of the mobile phone rang out, and Jiang Lingfeng pulled the door with his hand and hooked the corner of his mouth.

Without looking, he also knows who the news belongs to at this time.

The warmth behind the car also heard the sound of news push.

He took a look at his mobile phone and couldn\'t help picking his eyebrow slightly.

All the news about her has been removed.

Now, what is on the hot search list is actually a series of scandals about an Xueyan abroad that she asked Wen ruoqing to help find.

Who exploded an Xueyan\'s black material?

Looking at the man in the cab in front, his warm apricot eyes are deep.

Did he do it?

It should be!

Just like Xu Jiaojiao, he attacked an Xueyan.

He\'s taking it out on himself!

Because his mother treated him like this, he felt guilty and was eager to make up for her!