Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 889

"Ji Linhan is dead."

Gu Luoluo\'s words stunned Fu Yunting slightly.

"Dead? How?"

"Died in a car accident."

Guluoluo Road: "At that time, Ji Linhan and Cheng Rongjiu were afraid of being tracked, so they lived in a sparsely populated village abroad. When Ji Linhan was pregnant for eight months, they suddenly fell at home, and the private doctor who treated her happened to be out. Cheng Rongjiu couldn\'t help it, so he called a car and rushed her to the hospital. But unexpectedly, there was a serious car accident on the road. Cheng Rongjiu and Ji Linhan was thrown out of the car. Ji Linhan\'s child was shocked out on the spot, and she died on the spot because she lost too much blood and didn\'t have time to send her to hospital. "

After hearing this, Fu Yunting was stunned again and again.

That woman, no matter how insidious she was, died in the end and didn\'t know what to say.

Thinking of the past and Ji Linhan once spent so much time on him, Fu Yunting couldn\'t help sighing.

If she didn\'t insist on being with Cheng Rongjiu, maybe her ending wouldn\'t be so miserable.

He took a deep breath, and Fu Yunting put it aside.

Now he is not in the mood to sympathize with others.

Have pity on yourself.

After all, his wife is occupied by other men.

It\'s really angry.

"OK, I see. I\'ll find a way to bring Lingling back to Fu\'s house and find a doctor to help her recover her memory."

The truth has been solved. It\'s time for him to take his wife home.


Gu Luoluo hurriedly said, "Mr. Fu, Xia Xi\'s doctor is excellent. He said that if he forcibly helps Xia Ling recover her memory, it will damage her brain tissue and she will... Become a psychotic."

Become a psychopath!

Fu Yunting\'s eyes were cold, and his knuckles were creaking.

That\'s why Fu Xichen has no fear, right?

He is not afraid of his appearance.

Because even if he appeared, Xia Ling didn\'t recognize him.

He is even less likely to forcibly help Xia Ling recover his memory.

Because Fu Xichen firmly believed that he would not want Xia Ling to become a psychotic.


Fu Yunting was so angry that he threw all the wine bottles on the table to the ground. His face was gloomy and could drip ink.

Fu Xichen, good!

He always has a way to get him to tell the truth himself.

Gu Luoluo was silent and let Fu Yunting vent his anger.

I don\'t know what big moves Fu Yunting will make next.


On the other hand, Xu LAN made an appointment to have tea with a group of rich ladies. She was about to go out, but she didn\'t want to. A group of reporters poured out from all directions and surrounded her one after another.

"Mrs. Jiang, did you kill the child in your daughter-in-law\'s warm stomach with your own hands?"

"Mrs. Jiang, do you also think that the child in the warm belly is not from the Jiang family?"

"Mrs. Jiang, can you really accept a woman with unclean private life as the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family?"


Countless long guns and short guns were aimed at Xu LAN.

The eyes of all the reporters were full of excited gossip.

Sharp and probing language seriously damages human dignity.

Xu Lan\'s face changed for a while, and his head tingled with anger.

Her chest seemed to be out of breath. She breathed heavily, covered her chest with her hands, and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth: "warmth is not worthy of my son. I won\'t admit that warmth is my Jiang\'s daughter-in-law in death."

When the sound fell, Xu Lan was black and slowly fell to the ground.

"Mrs. Jiang!"
