Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 890


Jiang Lingfeng receives a call from Jiang Fu.

"What? Mom fainted? I\'ll be right back."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face sank. Unexpectedly, the reporters would go to Jiang\'s old house to squat on the news.

What\'s more, his mother was so angry that she fainted at the door.

The temple jumps suddenly, and Jiang Lingfeng is very upset.

Reluctantly subdued his anxiety, he looked at the warmth of his open eyes on the hospital bed and said softly, "warm, I\'ll go out. Don\'t think about it and have a good rest."

Warm heard what Jiang Lingfeng had just said and watched him stride out of the ward without saying a word.

Xu LAN fainted?

The news of fainting came at this time. Did you really faint or pretend?

Did she use the bitter meat trick because she killed her grandson and was afraid of being blamed by Jiang Lingfeng!

A warm light sneer, staring at the ceiling overhead in a daze.

At this time, the door was pushed open and a nurse came in to check her temperature and take care of her.

The little nurse glanced at her from time to time, with gossip in her eyes.

Warm knows that because Jiang Lingfeng fights with Du Siqing, he is now like an orangutan for people to watch on this floor.

Very upset.

The little nurse finished nursing and left with tools.

When the door was opened, I heard the voices of people outside.

"Have you seen the news just now? Mrs. Jiang spoke on the spot in front of the reporter and said that she would not admit that she was the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family."

"I see. Mrs. Jiang is dizzy with anger. You say, how will Jiang Lingfeng choose between his wife and his mother?"

"Hey, it\'s not good for Jiang Lingfeng to choose anyone! They\'ll be scolded to death!"



What news?

The warm fingers curled up, and the original pale face lost blood because of the words of several people.

She hurried to find her cell phone and read the news.

It turns out that the news about her has long dominated the list.

One is the news that Jiang Lingfeng and Du Siqing fight in the hospital.

There is also a news that has just come out.

Warm up, open the latest news and see pictures and texts.

Xu LAN covered his chest with unspeakable anger in his eyes.

That sentence: death will not admit that she is the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family, which deeply hurt the warm heart.

I can\'t tell what feels deeper in my heart at the moment.

The pain is certain.


Heart tired and weak.

That\'s Jiang Lingfeng\'s mother.

She not only killed her children, but also resisted herself.

Can her marriage with Jiang Lingfeng really be happy?

She doesn\'t know!

At least now, she had already planted a thorn in her heart, and it hurt badly when she smoked.

Warm closed her eyes and felt that her heart was tightly bound by a rope, which made her chest extremely stuffy and almost unable to breathe.

She breathed heavily, and the tears from the corners of her eyes fell slowly.

At this moment, she had only one thought in her heart, that is, to stay away from all these disputes.

Warm opened his eyes, looked at the mobile phone in his hand, found Lin Ke\'er\'s phone in tears and dialed it out.


Jiang\'s old house.

Jiang Lingfeng hurried to the scene, and his breath was cold and gloomy.


Jiang Lingyun also rushed back and said hello to Jiang Lingfeng.

Jiang Lingfeng nodded, "where\'s mom?"

"Mom is in the room and dad is in there talking to her."

Jiang Lingyun looks at Jiang Lingfeng and wants to stop talking.

Jiang Lingfeng was upset. "If you have anything to say, don\'t hesitate like a woman."

Jiang Lingyun choked. He knew that Jiang Lingfeng was in a bad mood and didn\'t care so much.

"Brother, did mom really lose the child in her sister-in-law\'s belly with her own hands?"

The news was overwhelming. He was shocked and surprised.

I really didn\'t expect my mother to do such a thing.

Big brother is in big trouble now.