Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 888

Hearing Fu Yunting\'s warning, Gu Luoluo clenched his fist and was at a loss.

She knew that Fu Yunting would do what he said.

She also knew that Fu Yunting would know the truth sooner or later.

But that\'s Fu Xichen!

No matter where Fu Yunting learned the truth, she didn\'t want Fu Xichen to know that the truth came from her mouth.

That would make her feel like she was betraying him.

"Won\'t you say it yet? Gu Luoluo, what are you worried about?"

Fu Yunting saw Gu Luoluo\'s eyebrows locked and hesitant, and the corners of his mouth hooked, "I know you like Fu Xichen, don\'t you? You\'re afraid you won\'t have the face to face him if you confess to me?"

There are two ways for a woman to work hard for a man.

One is a loyal man, the other is an admirer.

And Gu Luoluo, when talking about Fu Xichen, her eyes can\'t deceive people.

She likes Fu Xichen!

Sure enough, a trace of uneasiness flashed across Gu Luoluo\'s face. "President Fu, I\'m just Fu Xichen\'s secretary. Please don\'t make random guesses."

"Oh! What a miserable woman. But Gu Luoluo, are you really willing to spend your life in obscurity watching Fu Xichen take his heart and lungs out to other people\'s wives and treat you as air? Are you willing to watch him make mistakes again and again? If you don\'t fight for it, your life won\'t be in vain?"

As long as Fu Yunli wants to tell you the truth, it\'s not the right way for me to cooperate with you. As long as Fu Yunli wants to tell you the truth, I\'ll have to tell you what\'s wrong with me. Do you want to help me

Do you want to cooperate with him?

Fu Yunting\'s words slowly awakened Gu Luoluo\'s deep desire.

She is a woman. When watching the man who loves her dearly take her brother\'s wife by any means and dream back at midnight, she is not without heartache and guilt.

She didn\'t want to see him make mistakes again and again.

Even if he finds a normal woman, maybe she will bless him silently.

But it was his sister-in-law. Even if it was changed, it could not change the fact that it was his sister-in-law.

As Fu Yunting said, true can\'t be false, false can\'t be true.

Therefore, Fu Yunting gave seduction, how can she not be moved?

Gu Luoluo was full of thoughts. After a long time, she took a deep breath and looked at Fu Yunting, "OK, I said."

Finally persuaded her.

Fu Yunting hooked the corner of his mouth and began to listen.

Guluoluo Road: "Shulan is Xia Ling who has lost her memory. Fu Xichen got on the line with Xia Xi through Cheng Rongjiu very early. Through the cosmetic doctor and psychologist introduced by Xia Xi, she fine tuned Xia Ling\'s face and implanted false memories into her. Now she only remembers that her name is Shu Lan. She is an orphan and likes traveling. She was bitten by a poisonous snake on the way of traveling and happened to meet her After arriving at Fu Xichen and being rescued by Fu Xichen, the two were together. "

A few words made Fu Yunting\'s face sink again and again.

Fu Xichen, he is really conscientious to his wife!

Deep enough!

"Where\'s the child? Whose is that child?"

Shouldn\'t Xia Ling have given birth to twins?

Fu Yunting was angry and continued to ask.

"The child... Is the daughter of Cheng Rongjiu and Ji Linhan."

Gu Luoluo didn\'t hide it and replied.

"Their children?"

Fu Yunting frowned, "is Ji Linhan willing to put the child next to Lingling?"

It doesn\'t make sense!

How much does Ji Linhan hate Xia Ling? How can she put the child beside her?

Even if Xia Ling has no memory, according to Ji Linhan\'s attitude of hating Xia Ling, it is impossible to put the child next to her to answer her own.