Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 885

Jiang Lingfeng is fighting with others!

Lin Ke\'er glanced at Wen Wen. His first reaction was that Jiang Lingfeng might have fought with Du Siqing.

"Who is he fighting with?"

Warm and anxious to get out of bed, Lin Ke\'er hurriedly held her and ran out together.

The corridor outside is already in a mess.

Several wards were full of spectators watching good plays.

There are also reporters with cameras shooting around.

In the middle of the corridor, Jiang Lingfeng is fighting with Du Siqing.

At the moment, the two men are red eyed, and each punch and kick is extremely hot.

"Stop, stop fighting."

Lin Ke\'er shouted, but the two men turned a deaf ear and still fought.

How old is Du Siqing.

His skill is also obviously better than that of Du Siqing.

At the moment, Du Siqing was beaten black and blue, and almost had no power to parry.

So when she saw that Jiang Lingfeng was going to punch Du Siqing again, she hurriedly strode over, opened her hands and stopped in front of Du Siqing.

"Jiang Lingfeng, stop it."

In a word, it\'s like pressing the pause key.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s fist stopped less than two centimeters from his warm face.

His chest fluctuated, his red eyes looked warm, and a trace of consternation flashed in his eyes.

"Warm, you get out of the way."

Jiang Lingfeng slowly takes back his fist, and the expression of evil on his face hasn\'t dissipated.

"Jiang Lingfeng, you\'ve had enough. Do you want to kill him?"

Warmth is angry with Jiang Lingfeng.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s sharp eyes moved, as if there was a flash of injured emotion, and the knuckles of his fist clenched.

"Warm, are you concerned about him?"


"Xiao Nuan, leave it alone. It\'s between us men."

Dusqing, who was behind him, interrupted the warm words, held her and said angrily, "why did he connive at his mother to kill my child? I must ask him for justice today."

Then he looked at Lin Ke\'er again, "Ke\'er, help Xiao Nuan back to the ward."

Lin Ke\'er frowned. Before he could speak, he heard Jiang Lingfeng say, "your child? Du Siqing, you have the guts to say it again? A big man was calculated by a woman. You can be useless again!"


Du Siqing\'s face changed and refused: "Jiang Lingfeng, don\'t patronize me. Yes, I admit that I\'m useless and hurt xiaonuan. What about you? What are you doing now? Your mother killed xiaonuan\'s baby with her own hands. What are you going to do?"

How to deal with it?

He hasn\'t figured it out yet!

But it\'s not until dusqing comes here and yells at him.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s body is full of anger, and his anger is like a beast running rampant in his chest.

The flash in the hand of the reporter on the side clicked constantly, recording the moment excitedly.

We all know that there is a hot search today and tomorrow.

"Enough, have you two said enough?"

His warm face turned pale and looked at Jiang Lingfeng with tears in his eyes. "If you want to fight and reason, please find another place and don\'t make a fool of yourself here."

Can you keep her quiet?

Why did everyone poke her heart at this time.

Don\'t they know her heart hurts?

Warm push away the people around and walk quickly towards the ward.

"Miss Wen, please respond. Who is the child in your stomach?"

"Miss Wen, who do you mean between Jiang Lingfeng and Du Siqing?"


The reporters followed the warm side one after another and aimed their long guns and short guns at her.