Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 886

Jiang Lingfeng strode forward and hugged the warmth into his arms.

Sharp eyes swept around, and the whole body was uncontrollable anger. "Warm and I have obtained the certificate. Please leave quickly."

"Got the certificate? President Jiang, is what Mr. Du Siqing said true? Did Mrs. Jiang really kill your wife\'s child with her own hands?"

"President Jiang, don\'t you mind the scandal between your wife and Mr. Du at all?"


Although several reporters were disobedient to Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyes, they also fought for the front page headlines.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s breath was obviously heavier, and his eyes stared at several reporters asking questions, as if he was going to bite off a piece of meat.

At this time, the hospital security personnel who heard the news rushed out and rushed a large number of reporters out.

"President Jiang, you haven\'t answered our questions."

"Mr. Du, what are your plans now?"


The reporter\'s voice was still calling, but it was soon isolated by the security personnel.

Jiang Lingfeng managed to suppress the anger around him. A princess picked up the warmth and strode towards the ward.

Dusqing and Lin Ke\'er followed.

When he came to the door, he was stopped by Jiang Lingfeng.

"My wife\'s body is very weak now. It\'s not easy to see people. Let\'s go."

With that, he slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Hey, Jiang Lingfeng, you have no right to do that! Open the door!"

Du Siqing was angry and knocked on the door.

Lin Ke\'er on one side pulled him, "well, dusqing, don\'t you think it\'s not messy enough? You\'ve scolded and fought. Now don\'t get involved in the affairs of their husband and wife."

"No, I haven\'t talked to Xiao Nuan yet. Why doesn\'t Jiang Lingfeng let me talk to her?"

Dusqing frowned and his mood gradually calmed down. Then he felt pain all over his body.

"There are plenty of opportunities to speak."

Lin Ke\'er couldn\'t help but pull him out. "Look at you now. Don\'t forget that you are also a public figure. Today\'s noise is inevitable in the news. See how your brokerage team scolds you."

Dusqing\'s mood gradually calmed down, and suddenly he was a little annoyed. "I was just impulsive. Did I add trouble to xiaonuan?"

"You\'d better forget about the small warmth and think about yourself first."

"I\'ll call my agent and ask them to deal with it."


In the ward, Jiang Lingfeng gently put the person on the bed.

Warm side over, closed his eyes and didn\'t see Jiang Lingfeng.

Jiang Lingfeng sighed slightly, sat on the edge of the bed and helped her tuck in the quilt.

He knew that she was angry.

He\'s also guilty.

He didn\'t expect his mother to do such a thing.

"Wife, I\'m sorry."

The voice of guilt was a little hoarse, the warm eyelids moved, and the tears in the corners of the eyes fell uncontrollably.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s heart felt bad. He stretched out his hand and hugged her. "Wife, don\'t ignore me. You can scold me as much as you want, just don\'t ignore me."

The man buried his head next to her neck socket, and his low voice made him cry bitterly.

"Ling Feng, I feel bad that my child is gone."

"I know you feel bad. Don\'t cry. When you cry, my heart is worse than you."


Jiang Lingfeng hugged the warmth and comforted her in a soft voice.

Warm, close your eyes, smell the familiar smell of men, and tears flow down drop by drop.

She knew it wasn\'t his fault.

But as soon as she saw him, she would immediately think of Xu LAN.

I don\'t know how to pull out the thorn in my heart.

Suddenly feel tired.