Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 884

Ward, warm, with a pair of apricot eyes open, staring at the ceiling overhead and saying nothing.

When Lin Ke\'er came in, he saw the figure of a thin woman lying on the hospital bed with a dull look.


Hearing the cry, the warm eyes moved and looked at Lin Ke\'er, and finally recovered a little angry.

"Ke\'er, why are you here?"

"I came with dusqing. He said your child was gone and he wanted to come to you, so I came with him."

Lin Ke\'er put a cushion behind the warm and sat on the edge of the bed.

Elder martial brother is here, too?

Thinking of the entanglement between the child in his stomach and him, his warm hand stroked his lower abdomen, and his eyes were filled with tears.

"Don\'t cry, warm. You\'re having a baby now. You can\'t cry."

Lin Ke\'er quickly took out a paper towel and handed it to her.

Warm sucked his nose, silently took the paper towel and wiped his tears.

"What\'s the matter? How can I hear dusqing say that the loss of this child has something to do with Jiang Zong and his mother?" Lin Ke\'er inquired.

Smelling the speech, he bit his lips warmly and said with difficulty, "I don\'t know. I only know that after drinking the chicken soup sent by Lingfeng\'s mother, I have unbearable abdominal pain, and then the baby in my stomach..."

At the thought of the feeling of panic and despair when the child slowly passed from his body, the warmth was like a knife, and the tears could not be controlled to flow down again.

"No. you mean Mrs. Jiang ruthlessly put something in the chicken soup, which made your child disappear?"

Lin Ke\'er was surprised and stared at the warmth.

Warm silent, just silently wiping tears.

She did not expect that a person can be so ruthless.

She thought that as long as she persisted and loved and filial to Xu LAN in the future, she would slowly change her outlook and accept her and her children.

But she didn\'t want to kill a little life.

No mercy.

Does she have to thank her for accepting herself?

After all, she traded this little life for the title of Jiang\'s daughter-in-law?

But she can\'t get through this in her heart.

She felt terrible.

"Hey, how could this happen? It\'s hard to be a rich daughter-in-law."

Lin Ke\'er sighed, looked at the warmth, hesitated and said, "but it\'s not difficult to understand the warmth if you stand in Mrs. Jiang\'s position. After all, the child in your stomach is under abnormal circumstances. She may think that nine times out of ten, the child is dusqing. In order not to become a rich scandal, she will do so."

When ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, their elders will also respond, let alone such rich people.

They pay more attention to fame than ordinary people.

"I don\'t want to understand her. All I know is that the child is Ling Feng. She killed her grandson herself."

Why does her child want someone else to decide for her?

None of them has any reason to decide the child\'s fate for her!

"Yes, yes, warm you. Don\'t get excited. Drink some water."

Seeing the excitement on her warm face, Lin Ke\'er quickly poured her a glass of water.

He shook his head and leaned on the pillow.

Seeing this, Lin Ke\'er sighed and knew that it was useless for others to say anything now.

This ridge, only her own slowly digest, slowly across.

At this time, there was a faint commotion outside the door.

The maid pushed the door in with food in her hand, and a trace of anxiety flashed on her face. "Young lady, Mr. Jiang is fighting with someone."