Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 883

"Yes! If you like someone, shouldn\'t you accept everything about her? I think Jiang Lingfeng\'s feelings for warmth are nothing more than that. Poor warmth is obsessed by love and has to marry Jiang Lingfeng. Now, there will be a time for her to cry. After all, your black history is a thorn that has always existed in Jiang Lingfeng\'s heart."

An Xueyan poured himself a glass of wine leisurely and continued to sow discord.

DUS was silent and hung up after asking the hospital where he was warm.

Listening to the beep from the receiver, an Xueyan smiled proudly again.

The baby in the warm belly is dusqing\'s.

Dusqing also likes warmth.

Now, he should go to settle accounts with Jiang Lingfeng.

An Xueyan\'s slender fingers turned the wine glass, thought about it, and then made another call.

It\'s time for public opinion to join us!

She will watch the contradiction between warmth and the Jiang family grow bigger and bigger until it collapses!


Lying on the warm side of the bed, I stared at the white wall in front of me.

The little figure shrank into a ball and looked so sad.

Jiang Lingfeng flashed a trace of love in her eyebrows and strode to the bedside.


"You go out first."

Jiang Lingfeng signals the maid to go out first.

The maid withdrew from the room. Jiang Lingfeng sat on the edge of the bed and gently broke off her warm body.

The woman\'s eyes are still red. The original clear eyes are now gone.

Jiang Lingfeng sighed secretly, reached out and stroked her hair, and said softly, "warm, I know that you are very sad without your child. I allow you to be sad for a day, and don\'t think about it again in the future. Cheer up and take good care of your body, and we will have children in the future."

Will there be children in the future?

Why does that sound so harsh?

The warm eyes moved, and the sound line still showed a trace of hoarseness after crying.

"Are you relieved? In fact, you\'ve always cared about this child, haven\'t you? Is it better for you to lose it now?"

There is no way to know whether the child is his or not.

For him, is it not a worry that the child is gone?

"Warm, I\'ve never thought so."

"Don\'t you think so? Aren\'t you a man? Don\'t you mind wearing a green hat? Or, you don\'t love me at all!"

She was in a bad mood. At the thought that her child was lost by Jiang Lingfeng\'s mother, her heart couldn\'t stop rising and falling.

Just want to take it out on him regardless!


Jiang Lingfeng\'s breath sank. When she touched her red eyes, she reluctantly suppressed her anxiety, and her voice slowly softened.

"You\'re in a bad mood now. I won\'t mind what you say. Good boy, have a good rest and I\'ll go out."

He knew she needed an outlet.

He let her vent.

Jiang Lingfeng helped her tuck in the quilt, turned and walked out.

The test results of chicken soup and home ingredients should come out.

He\'s going to have a look.

See what went wrong.

When the door was closed, he covered his head with a warm quilt and began to spit and cry.

Outside, Jiang Lingfeng finds the laboratory department, and a familiar doctor is waiting for him.

"President Jiang, this is the test result just came out. It shows that the chicken soup contains a small amount of drugs for dredging meridians and removing blood stasis. This should be the main reason why your wife can slip her fetus."

Chicken soup!

Sure enough, it\'s still chicken soup.

Jiang Lingfeng couldn\'t tell what it was like.

It\'s just that the hand holding the test sheet is tight and tight.

His mother really killed the child in the warm belly.

What should he do!