Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 882

Is the warm child really lost?

An Xueyan on the other end of the phone sat on the sofa, reached out and took the wine glass filled with red wine from the tea table and shook it. His delicate eyebrows and eyes were full of complacency.

"Auntie, she figured it out and ran to the hospital to kill the child?"

"No, the reason why her child didn\'t have it was because she took menstrual drugs."

Xu Langton paused. "Xueyan, Lingfeng now suspects that I did something in chicken soup, but you know, I didn\'t do that. So Xueyan, are you..."

"Aunt, you really wronged me."

An Xue took a sip of wine and leaned lazily on the sofa, but his tone was surprised and wronged. "How could I do that? I was in the kitchen and I was curious about the things on the glass table. Didn\'t we throw the medicine into the dustbin later? Aunt, could it be that you accidentally spilled the powder into the chicken soup when you were hesitant?"

"How could it be? I didn\'t do that."

Xu Lan was surprised and quickly denied it.

An Xueyan hung her lips coldly, Deliberately provoked: "Aunt, I guess it\'s a warm trick. Think about it. The child she\'s pregnant with is from another man. Why don\'t you think of a way to kill the child? You just ran to the villa and warned her. Maybe she might just think of a way to lose the child and blame you again. In this way, the goal will be achieved and the responsibility will be completely put on you 。 Gee, that\'s very clever. "

The words came to Xu Lan\'s heart.

She thinks so, too.

It\'s really a good way to warm this woman.

Xu Lan\'s chest fluctuated. "It\'s warm. I won\'t admit she\'s my Jiang\'s daughter-in-law when I die."

When the phone hung up, an Xueyan at the other end of the phone played with the wine glass in his hand, and his moist red lips overflowed with giggling laughter.

"Giggle, it\'s really fun! Warm, what about the man who robbed me? I think you can be proud until when!"

An Xueyan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, but there was a sinister light in the beautiful apricot eyes.

She looked at her cell phone, hooked her lips, found out dusqing\'s phone and dialed it out.

At this time, should the child\'s father appear?


"It\'s me, Siqing. I\'m in the hospital now."

In a word, Du Siqing\'s voice on the opposite side was worried, "warm back? How is she?"

She almost killed her.

Now she\'s back. It seems that dusqing doesn\'t know yet.

An Xueyan\'s lips were red and cold. "Don\'t you know? Warm and Jiang Lingfeng got the certificate. But..."

"But what?"

"But the baby in her stomach was lost."


Dusqing\'s tone flashed a trace of anxiety, "sister Xueyan, can you make it clear at one time?"

"Well, let me say it briefly."

An Xueyan played with the wine cup in his hand, "although Jiang Lingfeng and Wenwen got the certificate, he really cares about you going to bed with Wenwen, including the child in her stomach. This is not clear, and I don\'t know how he discussed with his mother. In short, something unpleasant happened. The child in Wenwen\'s stomach didn\'t keep it. He is now in hospital."

The implication is that the mother and son of the Jiang family may force warmth to knock out the child in her belly.

Du Siqing\'s breath sank. "How can Jiang Lingfeng do this? If he cares about the existence of this child, he can not marry her."