Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 881


Seeing that Xu lanyue said it was more and more boundless, Jiang Lingfeng pinched the frown and vomited deeply.

After silence, he asked, "who is the person who accompanied you to deliver warm chicken soup today?"

Who was the person who accompanied her to deliver chicken soup?

Xu Lan was very angry and said in a cold voice, "it\'s the villa Xueyan went with me."

An Xueyan?

Jiang Lingfeng\'s sharp eyes narrowed slightly, and the lines of his lower jaw stretched slightly.

Why is it so coincidence?

The warm child was gone, and she was there.

So does this have anything to do with her?

"Mom, think about it carefully. Has an Xueyan ever touched chicken soup?"

In a word, Xu LAN frowned, and countless scenes flashed in her mind.

An Xueyan sent her tonic.

An Xueyan went to the kitchen.

An Xueyan urged her to go to the villa.

Think of it, it seems that there is a little coincidence.


"Ling Feng, what do you mean? You suspect Xueyan has tampered with the chicken soup? Then I tell you, the chicken soup has always been stewed by sister-in-law Zhang of the old house. She hasn\'t touched the chicken soup."

Even if an Xueyan is suspicious, she won\'t be foolish enough to tell Jiang Lingfeng at this time.

Isn\'t this just a warm plan?

Xu Langton paused and said angrily, "Ling Feng, I have said that this is a warm self guidance and self acting. You don\'t have to find the culprit of this and that for her. What you have to do now is to go through the divorce formalities with her as soon as possible. For such a fickle woman with ulterior motives, mom will never admit that she is the daughter-in-law of our Jiang family."

The smell of Jiang Lingfeng sank.

Glancing at Xu LAN, her sharp eyes were firm, "Mom, you should know my temper. I won\'t divorce wennuan. Please don\'t say such unkind words again in the future. As for her children, I hope it has nothing to do with mom, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Ling Feng, what if I hurt her child? Do you want to send me to the police station or break the mother child relationship with me!"

Xu LAN stared at Jiang Lingfeng and became more and more angry.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyes were deep and his thin lips were light. "Mom, I won\'t answer constructive questions. I\'ll wait until I find out the truth. Go back first and warm here. I\'ll be taken care of."

No matter who it is, you can\'t hurt your woman.

But what if the person who hurt her was his mother?

Jiang Lingfeng turned around and closed his eyes.

I hope there won\'t be such a day.

"Ling Feng, stop."

"Mom, go back."

Looking at the figure of Jiang Lingfeng striding away, Xu Lan was so angry that his face was livid.

What a warm, so easily separated their mother and son.

What a good means, a good idea!

Look at the attitude of my son just now!

If the warm child is really lost by her, he may really want to break the mother child relationship with himself!

She\'s so angry!

Xu LAN held back his anger and turned to leave angrily.

When I walked out of the hospital, I was blown by the wind outside, and my excitement gradually eased down.

I felt out the test sheet and looked at the numbers on it. My heart was full of doubts.

How can a warm child die?

If she didn\'t lose it herself, who would have moved it?

An Xueyan\'s face flashed in his mind.

Xu Lan\'s old eyes flashed slightly, took out his mobile phone and dialed an Xueyan.

She wants to ask an Xueyan whether today\'s matter has anything to do with her?

When the phone was connected, an Xueyan\'s sweet voice came from the current.


"Xueyan, the warm child is gone."
