Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 880

Hearing the warm question, Xu LAN came out of anger.

"What, my grandson? How dare a wild seed be my grandson? Don\'t say I didn\'t kill the child, but what if I did? I\'ll step back and give you a chance to kill the child and marry into the Jiang family. How much face did you give? What else do you want?"

These words made the warm face pale, and also made Jiang Lingfeng\'s face more gloomy.

"Mom, that\'s enough. Let\'s go out and talk."

"Why go out?"

Xu LAN looked at Jiang Lingfeng angrily. "Son, this woman is so resourceful. I think she has another purpose to marry you. No, you must divorce her."


Jiang Lingfeng\'s tone was heavier. Jun stared at Xu LAN with a heavy face and took her out.

When the door was closed, I looked at the void in front of me with warm tears. My hands were close to my belly, but I could no longer feel the existence of small life.

"Young lady, don\'t cry. A woman\'s abortion is like a baby. Her eyes will hurt in the future. Lie down and have a rest."

The maid comforted the warmth and let her lie down slowly.

Warm close your eyes, but the tears in the corners of your eyes still flow wantonly.

Outside the door, Xu LAN threw away Jiang Lingfeng, and his face was full of anger.

Jiang Lingfeng frowned and sank his mind. He handed her a test sheet.

"Mom, the test results show that wennuan didn\'t keep her baby until she ate food containing menstrual blood. I asked the maid in the villa, and she said that wennuan only drank a bowl of clear porridge in the morning and didn\'t eat anything else. Mom, tell me honestly, it\'s really not your hands and feet in chicken soup?"

He just wants to know one truth.

I hope it really has nothing to do with his mother.

Xu LAN looked at the test sheet he couldn\'t understand, and his old eyes flashed slightly.

The warm child was not saved. Did he eat food containing menstrual blood?

The medicine she wanted to put in the chicken soup before was really the medicine for menstruation. Normal people will be fine if they eat it, but pregnant women can\'t keep the baby in their stomach.

How could it be so coincidence?

She didn\'t put it in the chicken soup in the end.

This must be a warm self directed trick.

"Ling Feng, what do you mean? It seems that in your heart, mom\'s weight is far from warm. Do you decide what she says? Will mom be inferior to a maid in the Jiang family in the future?"

"Mom, the chicken soup has been tested. I just want a truth and a justice. Anyway, she lost her child."

Warmth is the biggest victim.

He also hoped it had nothing to do with his mother.

"Children? Are you still talking about children? Ling Feng, why are you single minded?"

Xu LAN came out of anger, "I think all this is a trick directed and played by warmth. She knows that the child is not yours, so she wants to find a chance to kill it. But she can kill it for no reason and is afraid of your suspicion, so she just puts her mind on me. In this way, not only the potential hidden danger is gone, but also indirectly separates you and my mother-child relationship. It\'s really a deep intention to warm this woman."

"Mom, it\'s not like that." Jiang Lingfeng frowned and looked at Xu LAN.

"She\'s not like that. I\'m the most vicious woman?"

Xu Lan said: "Ling Feng, I raised you so much, you think of me like this? Sure enough, the old saying is right. What\'s the use of having a son? If you marry a wife, you forget your mother!"