Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 854

Warm out of the apartment building, I saw the car parked on the roadside and the man in the car at a glance.

The corners of his mouth curved in a pleasant arc, walked towards the car with warm and fast steps, opened the door and sat in.

"Why are you here? Doesn\'t your head hurt?"

"When my wife comes out to play, of course my husband has to follow."

Jiang Lingfeng looked at her makeup and touched her chin. "It turns out that her wife is so beautiful to dress up as a ghost."

Warm: "

Who wants to dress up as a beautiful ghost!

"Hehe, how can I smell an unusual atmosphere when you compliment me so much?"

Warm and close to the past, a very upturned little nose sniffed, "said, come here specially, are you worried that I scared your first lover?"

"Wife, don\'t be jealous. Such vinegar is not delicious at all."

"Who\'s jealous? Don\'t put gold on your face."

"Then I put gold on my head?"

"Jiang Lingfeng, when did you become so slippery?"

"When you become your husband."


Warm staring at the man in the cab, with a coquettish look on his face.

I just think someone tonight is unusually active.

She raised her hand and touched his forehead. "I don\'t have a fever. I feel like I\'ve changed."

"Wife, I haven\'t changed, but from tomorrow on, I have to change my name."

Jiang Lingfeng held his warm hand and kissed it on the corner of his lips. There was an inexplicable smile in his black eyes.

Change the name?

"Ling Feng, what riddle are you playing in the middle of the night?"

"You\'ll know in a minute."

Jiang Lingfeng rubbed her hair and started the car.

Soon, warm will know what Jiang Lingfeng means.

His eyes stared at the three words of the civil Securities Bureau, and his warm thoughts were a little stagnant.

Jiang Lingfeng brought himself to the civil Securities Bureau.

Is he going to marry himself?

Now I recall that he called himself wife by wife from the beginning of the meeting.

"It\'s four o\'clock in the morning and there are six hours left. Wife, squint for a while. When the door opens, I\'ll call you."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s gentle voice came to his ears. He bit his lips warmly, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Some excited and some uneasy.

Even if he always said he would marry her, she could not help feeling uneasy and uneasy when it was time to get the certificate.

"Ling Feng, I didn\'t dig out useful clues from an Xueyan just now, so now my reputation is still so bad. Do you really want to marry me? I......"


Jiang Lingfeng\'s index finger pressed on his warm lips and hissed softly. His eyes were soft.

"Do you believe what I said, I don\'t care."

The man\'s eyes are not false, gentle and affectionate. It makes people soft to look at her quietly.

Warm nose a sour, tears instantly filled the eyes, useless crying.

"Ling Feng, you\'re so annoying. Why do you just..."

At any rate, let her have a psychological preparation.

She was really surprised when she was pulled to the door of the civil Securities Bureau in the middle of the night.

Jiang Lingfeng whispered and reached out to gently wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. "What are you crying about? They are all going to be mothers. They still love to cry."

"Cry regardless of age!"

She cries with joy!

Warm water eyes mistily looked at the man\'s handsome face, looked at him slowly leaning over, and suddenly remembered something.

"Ling Feng, I don\'t seem to have my certificate."