Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 853

"Oh, Ann Xueyan, don\'t be guilty. If you haven\'t done anything wrong, why were you afraid of that just now?"

Seeing that an Xueyan\'s face gradually warmed up, he said coldly, "an Xueyan, don\'t think I don\'t know. You did everything. You hate me for taking Ling Feng\'s heart, so you conspired with Xu Jiaojiao to give me medicine to ruin my reputation."

"That\'s not enough. You killed Jiang Nan first, but it makes outsiders look like I accidentally killed her. You think that in this way, Ling Feng will leave me, but you don\'t want to. Even if he loses his memory, the person he likes is me."

"So you just hired someone to take me away and push me into the sea. Fortunately, I didn\'t die. More fortunately, Ling Feng found me and recovered my memory. An Xueyan, you\'ve been busy for a long time, you know?"

The words made an Xueyan\'s face turn white.

The pain of pinching nails into the meat has numbed.

After all she did, did she end up with nothing?

Are you with Jiang Lingfeng these days?

Even Jiang Lingfeng has recovered his memory!

How did this happen?

She doesn\'t want such a result!

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. Warm, get out of my house. If you don\'t go again, I\'ll call the police."

Looking at an Xueyan\'s calm, warm and steady looking at her, finally hooked her lips.

"OK, the game is over. I\'ll just go. But an Xueyan, the mechanism calculation can\'t get what you want. What\'s the taste? God has eyes. If it\'s not yours, it\'s not yours. Even if you try hard, you can\'t get it. I advise you to clamp your fox\'s tail and don\'t let me find out the evidence. Otherwise, where will you spend the rest of your life in the future? I don\'t need to say more."

There is always a flaw in anything. She doesn\'t believe it and can\'t find it!

Ann Xue said nothing, but stared at the warm eyes as if she wanted to eat people.

Warmth stopped paying attention to her, turned back and shouted, "dear, the game is over, you can come out."

An Xueyan: "

When did someone sneak into her house?

Why doesn\'t she know?


"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

Warm took out his ears, hooked his lips and said, "an Xueyan, if you walk too much at night, you will always meet ghosts! Be careful, don\'t turn off the lights when you sleep at night, be careful that Jiang Nan climbs out of the ground and asks for your life!"

The tone of the second half of the sentence was trembling with palpitations, and his hand deliberately touched an Xueyan.

An Xueyan turned pale with fear and shouted back, waving warm.


Warm quickly stopped and looked at the frightened woman with great interest. He only felt that such a prank was quite suitable for an Xueyan, a villain.

"Don\'t cry. I won\'t stay with you if I call again. I hope Jiang Nan will come out and meet you when you dream back in the middle of the night!"

The door slammed shut and there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

With a warm snort, he laughed and thanked a few people.

These people are Wen ruoqing\'s men. Thank them for everything they arranged tonight.

Although I was sorry that I didn\'t get an Xueyan\'s confession, at least it made me feel a little bitter.

It\'s a good trip!

Warm stepped into the elevator. When I saw my ghost from the smooth elevator wall, I couldn\'t help but take a breath.

Well, I think I can enter the performing arts circle with my acting skills and appearance today.

Downstairs, in the Bentley car, Jiang Lingfeng slowly opened the window, looked at the woman and hooked her lips.

This silly girl really opened his eyes and thought of finding evidence in this way.

I feel more and more interesting about my future daughter-in-law.

Therefore, he should immediately put this interesting soul into his bag!