Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 855

Looking at the anxious expression on the warm face, Jiang Lingfeng smiled again.

"So anxious? My wife, like me, is eager to write each other\'s name in the same household register."

Warm: "

This man has completely changed today.

Give her back the cold man!

The warm little face stared at him ruddy and patted him on the arm.

Jiang Lingfeng smiled low, took her hand, leaned over and took out two certificates from the locker, shook them in front of warm eyes, "don\'t worry, you\'re going to marry me today."

Warm: "

What worried her?

How much she hates marriage.

Well, she seems to want to marry him very much!

She bent her lips and leaned into Jiang Lingfeng\'s arms, enjoying the sense of security and warm moments brought to her by men.

Jiang Lingfeng stroked her hair, and her eyebrows were full of warmth.

The early morning sun has shed warm light through the clouds.

The flow of people and vehicles to work began to increase.

Warm night did not sleep, clearly should be sleepy, but because to meet the arrival of a certain moment and very excited.

"What are you thinking? Don\'t squint for a while?"

Seeing warmth playing with his fingers, Jiang Lingfeng asked softly.

"Can\'t sleep." Warm shake your head.

"Can\'t sleep? Why don\'t you do something interesting?"

Jiang Lingfeng raised his hand and raised his warm chin, with a smile flashing in his black eyes.

It\'s in the car!

Pedestrians outside can see the inside through the car glass!

Warm little face slightly red, watching the man slowly bend over and approach.

At this time, the beep of the mobile phone sounded, as if there were countless push messages.

"There\'s a message coming in."

Warm hurriedly pushed him away and straightened up to get his mobile phone, but he didn\'t want to be firmly imprisoned.

"Don\'t interrupt, wife, husband should get some benefits first."

The sound fell, and the thin lips covered it

At the end of a kiss, their breath was unstable.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s finger belly gently ran over her delicate red lips, and there was a strong dark color between her eyebrows and eyes.

The taste of a wife is good.

Unfortunately, he can only drink doves to quench his thirst.

"Well, let\'s see what the information is. Is there something wrong with the company?"

His warm face was a little hot, so he hurriedly turned off the topic.


Jiang Lingfeng hooked his lips, hugged her with one hand, took his mobile phone with the other hand and scanned his eyes.

It\'s a few tweets.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s black eyes moved slightly and his heart was clear.

"Eh, is this Xu Jiaojiao\'s hot search?"

And there\'s more than one.

With a warm face of surprise, Jiang Lingfeng looked through one of them with Jiang Lingfeng\'s hand.

The content of the news is that Xu Jiaojiao took on a female No. 2 play, but played a big card on the first day of the crew\'s startup.

When the director asked her to play against the actors, she first pushed the actress into the river, and then she was unwilling to act in person and asked for a double.

Several groups of dynamic and static pictures were put on the news. The ruthlessness on Xu Jiaojiao\'s face can be clearly seen in several pictures.

As soon as the news broke, it had a chain reaction.

The fans of the actresses in the play defended their love beans one after another, and then picked up Xu Jiaojiao\'s bottom all over.

Therefore, one after another hot searches about Xu Jiaojiao emerge one after another.

For example: she is just a little transparent who has just participated in the youth song competition, but she can receive female No. 2. She relies on the background of her family and uses money to smash it out.

For example, the current husband has been divorced from her husband for three years, but the current husband has been divorced from her husband for another time.

Another example: it turns out that Xu Jiaojiao\'s biological mother\'s other eldest daughter is the warmth of the champion of the youth song contest.