Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 852

An Xueyan took a deep breath of smoke, and a sneer came up at the corners of his mouth.

Someone wants to rob her of a man, which is her end!


The light in the room suddenly went out.

The darkness made an Xueyan subconsciously close his eyes.

He opened his eyes again, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he was frightened and yelled.

"Ah! Ghosts! Ghosts!"

In the dark room, a woman with long hair and white clothes suddenly appeared on the black screen of the home theater in front of the living room.

The plain white face is not warm and whose is it!

An Xueyan trembled with fear and staggered to turn on the light, but it didn\'t light up.

"Don\'t come here, you don\'t come here!"

Watching warmth step out from the screen of the home theater, an Xueyan was scared and speechless.

She ran to the door and tried to open the door, but suddenly found that the door couldn\'t be opened.

How did this happen?

How could this happen!

Is warmth coming to ask for her life?

"An Xueyan, you are so cruel. Why did you kill me?"

The distant voice was filled with hatred.

The woman\'s long hair danced in the air and blood flowed from her eyes.

An Xueyan shrank into a ball at the door, and his voice trembled to death, "it\'s not me, I didn\'t kill you, warm, go away!"

"Why not you? Those men said it was your order! You asked them to burn me with a fire and turn me into ashes. An Xueyan, you are so cruel!"

"I didn\'t, you\'re talking nonsense. It\'s not my order at all! I just let him..."

An Xueyan\'s voice suddenly stopped.

His eyes stared at the woman in front of him, his fingernails were deeply pinched into the meat, and his chest was still undulating.


Someone is playing tricks!

You\'re kidding her!

Is the woman in front of me dressed as a ghost the warmth of being alive?

An Xueyan controlled her trembling body, got up slowly and showed her teeth and eyes to the woman in front, "warm, don\'t pretend to be a ghost, you\'re not dead!"

Hearing the speech, I felt a little warm and showed my eyebrows, and a trace of accident and disappointment flashed in my heart.

Wake up so fast?

The psychological quality of an Xueyan is not generally strong!

Warm and cold hook the corners of his lips and slowly approach an Xueyan.

An Xueyan swallowed his saliva and subconsciously stepped back, clinging to the door panel.

"How do you know I\'m not dead? Who told you I\'d die? An Xueyan said you didn\'t want to kill me?"

The vicious woman almost pulled out her words just now.

She asked Wen ruoqing to help her find a set of props, and let people sneak into an Xueyan\'s house. Then she made some preparations, that is, she planned to cover an Xueyan\'s truth by pretending to be a ghost in the dead of night.

Just a moment ago, she deliberately said that she was almost burned to ashes by the fire.

If an Xueyan did it, she would refute it in extreme panic.

And she just refuted.

I just don\'t know how she suddenly woke up.

What a fall short.

However, it is certain that he was pushed into the sea by those people, which is definitely related to an Xueyan!

"Warm, empty mouth, be careful, I can sue you for slander."

Ann Xueyan boldly pushed the warmth. Sure enough, she felt that her body was hot and almost became angry.

The dead woman almost made a fool of herself and told the truth.

Why isn\'t she dead!

Fortunately, the command she gave made her brain excited and heard something wrong.

Because she didn\'t call those people at all!

She\'s being talked about!