Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 808

Night fell.

Warm and drowsy sleep, sleep is not solid.

The dream was full of scenes of being pushed into the sea, which made her frown.

The door was gently pushed open and someone came in.

The slight sound still woke up the warmth.

She suddenly opened her eyes and saw a figure standing in front of her hospital bed. Her dark eyes looked particularly abrupt in the dark night.

The warmth was startled and hurriedly sat up, "who?"

"Are you awake? I\'ll come in and see if you\'re hungry. Would you like something to eat?"

Gu Luoluo turned on the light and asked with a smile.

The warm heart jumped suddenly and looked up at Lolo\'s eyes. I didn\'t know if it was her illusion. I always felt that her eyes just looked unfriendly in the dark night.


Before she said anything, her stomach began to sing empty city plans.

"You\'re hungry. Wait a minute. I\'ll get you something to eat."

Gu Luoluo smiled and was ready to turn and leave.

"Don\'t bother, I can do it myself."

Warm, don\'t want to bother others too much, get ready to get out of bed.

"The doctor said you need to rest. You\'d better lie in bed and don\'t walk around at will."

Gu Luoluo hurriedly pressed the warmth, and his tone was indisputable.

Warm Leng Leng, looking at Gu Luoluo\'s smiling face, a strange idea flashed in his heart.

Why did she feel that Gu Luoluo didn\'t let herself get out of bed? She wasn\'t really thinking about her body, but didn\'t want to let herself run around?

Is she suffering from murder paranoia?

Because he was pushed into the sea, he was suspicious of everyone?

When Gu Luoluo left the room, he hesitated, opened the quilt and walked slowly to the door.

Gently unscrew the bedroom door and look out into the corridor with a warm probe.

There was no one above the corridor, only a few closed doors.

There was a burst of laughter downstairs.

Women\'s voices, children\'s voices, and A man\'s voice.

A man\'s voice?

Is Shulan\'s husband back?

Warm lips, slowly walked to the stairs and looked down.

There were two people sitting in the restaurant downstairs.

There was a small cart next to Shulan. At this time, she was teasing the children in the cart with her head down.

And next to her sat a man.

A gentle smile hung on his handsome side face, and his black eyes stared at Shu Lan deeply.

Warm blinked and stared at the man for a moment. I just felt that the man looked familiar.

Like sensing the warm eyes, the man raised his eyes and looked in the warm direction.

Four eyes are opposite, one sharp and one stunned.

Fu Xichen, the current president of Fu?

Fu Yunting\'s half brother?

How could it be him?

"Warm? Didn\'t you lie in bed and don\'t run around? Don\'t you go in yet?"

Gu Luoluo came out of the kitchen and looked tight when he saw warm standing at the entrance of the stairs.

Subconsciously, he glanced at Fu Xichen and held the tray tightly.

"Warm, are you awake? Are you feeling all right?"

Shulan heard the news, raised her head to see the warmth, got up with a smile and walked up the stairs.

"I\'m fine."

Warm looked at Shu Lan and made an excuse, "I got up to find the bathroom and heard laughter, so..."

She is well aware of the entanglement between the Fu brothers.

She really didn\'t expect to come to Fu Xichen\'s territory.

And pry into his privacy.

Fu Xichen actually raised a woman on the island.

And this woman looks

The things Jiang Lingfeng said to himself before flashed in his mind.

Fu Xichen likes Xia Ling.

So, did Fu Xichen raise a woman who looks similar to Xia Ling to repose his unspeakable feelings?