Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 809

"Warm, do you want to eat in the room, or..."

Shu Lan held warm and asked for her advice.


"Warm, what a coincidence. Come and sit down."

Fu Xichen in the restaurant smiled and opened his mouth to the warmth.

Warm lips, nodded, "OK, Mr. Fu."

Hearing their conversation, Shu Lan was surprised, "eh, ah Chen, warm, you actually know each other?"

Warm looked at her side face like Xia Ling and bent her lips.


Maybe it\'s all doomed.

With the help of Shulan, Wenwen walks to the restaurant and sits next to Shulan.

Gu Luoluo put down the tray and handed the soup to the warm one. "Warm, this is chicken soup. Drink it while it\'s hot."

"Thank you."

The warmth smiled at Gu Luoluo, and his apricot eyes flashed slightly.

According to Shu Lan, Gu Luoluo\'s identity here is Fu Xichen\'s secretary, who is specially responsible for taking care of Shu Lan and her children\'s daily life.

Maybe I recognized her at first.

But why not speak up?

Thinking of the unfriendliness in her eyes just in the room, maybe it\'s because she thinks of herself as a person on Fu Yunting\'s side.

"Warm, ah Chen, don\'t I have to introduce each other\'s identities to you?"

Shu Lan looked left and right, with a curious face.


After a warm sip of chicken soup, he looked at Fu Xichen. "Fu is always a young and promising entrepreneur and my best friend\'s uncle. Although we are not familiar, at least we know each other."

Fu Xichen was silent, but when he heard his best friend\'s uncle, he took the spoon\'s hand and flashed a trace of coolness in his slightly drooping eyes.

"Your best friend\'s uncle?"

Shu Lan tilted her head and said with a smile, "isn\'t your best friend the girl who looks like me? Isn\'t your best friend\'s uncle my brother ah Chen? It\'s really a coincidence."


Isn\'t that a coincidence?

He smiled warmly and didn\'t speak. He just looked at Fu Xichen and drank soup.

"It\'s a coincidence."

Fu Xichen faintly spit out a sentence and then didn\'t speak again. He just tenderly mixed vegetables for Shu Lan, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of warmth.

Gu Luoluo didn\'t speak, but his eyes lingered on Fu Xichen\'s face intentionally or unintentionally, watching him take care of Shu Lan carefully, and a trace of bitterness appeared in the corners of his mouth.

A meal, several people eat in silence, only Shulan heartless, from time to time pay attention to her daughter.

Seeing Xiaodou humming and hawing as if she was sleepy, she quickly put down the dishes and chopsticks, wiped her mouth and picked up the child.

"Warm, you eat slowly and think it\'s time to sleep. I\'ll carry her upstairs first."


Warm smile at Shu Lan.

Fu Xichen on the other side glanced at Gu Luoluo. Gu Luoluo quickly got up, "I\'ll help Niannian make milk powder."

She knew that Fu Xichen must have something to say to Wen alone.

When they left, only Fu Xichen and warmth remained on the table.

Warm pushed away the finished chicken soup, looked at Fu Xichen and inquired, "President Fu, are you married?"

I don\'t seem to have heard about Fu Xichen\'s marriage?

But he and Shu Lan even have children. Did Fu Xichen do a good job in keeping secrets?

"Not yet. I want to wait until the child is a little older and give Lan Lan a century\'s wedding."

Fu Xichen gracefully wiped the corners of his mouth, leaned against the back of his chair, and looked at the warmth with dark eyes.

With a warm smile, "Mr. Fu has done a good job of confidentiality. Everyone doesn\'t know that you are hiding in a golden house on this island, and your wife looks... Very beautiful and kind."

And looks like my brother\'s wife.

I\'m really curious. Who was he thinking when he faced Shu Lan?

At the thought of her best friend being missed by another man, her heart was cold.