Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 807

Looking at Shu Lan\'s smiling appearance, she couldn\'t help thinking of her best friend Xia Ling\'s smiling appearance.

The same eyes will bend into crescent moon, and the same sound line is sweet.

Thinking of her best friend far away in Haicheng and the changes after she gave birth to a child, she touched her lower abdomen warmly and whispered, "I don\'t know if my temperament will change greatly after I gave birth to a child."

The man said that if her temperament changed greatly after giving birth to the child, he would divorce her.

Then he married her first!

Warm heart is not a taste.

Well, maybe if she gets along with him again, he will recover his memory.

But I don\'t want to

"Warm, what are you muttering about? Are you asking, will your temperament change greatly after giving birth to a child?"

Shulan listened and asked curiously.

Warm raised his eyes, bent his lips and said, "well, my best friend has changed a lot after giving birth to a child. It\'s as big as changing a person. I\'m really afraid that there will be such changes after giving birth to a child. It\'s terrible."

The sound fell, holding the child, Gu Luoluo, who had just stepped into the door, stepped down, and his face changed slightly.

Warmth should be talking about Xia Xi pretending to be Xia Ling.

She said so, which shows that Xiaxi\'s disguise was not successful.

So is Fu Yunting suspicious?

If in doubt, will you find it here?

The little milk bag in his hand made a noise.

Hearing the news, Shu Lan turned back and immediately got up with curved eyebrows and eyes, and held the child in her arms, "Niannian, my good daughter, you\'re awake!"

The little milk bag was humming, with its small mouth bent left and right, looking for food.

"I just changed her diaper. She should be hungry. I\'ll make milk powder for her." Gu Luoluo said a word to Shu Lan and turned to leave.

Shu Lan sat on the edge of the bed with the child in her arms and put the child on the bed.

"Warm, this is my daughter. It\'s almost three months. Is it cute?"

Shulan\'s daughter.

Warm bent over and looked at the child in bed.

White and fat, big and round eyes, small mouth, small and lovely, the face looks very exquisite. When you grow up in the future, you will definitely be a beauty.


Warm raised his eyes and looked at Shu Lan.

Mother and daughter don\'t look alike.

My daughter may look like my father.

Warm belly Fei, said with a smile: "your daughter is very cute. She must be a beauty when she grows up in the future."

"Yes, I think so."

Shu Lan teased the dancing little guy with a gentle face.

Warm bent over to look at the little guy and teased him, "little baby, what\'s your name?"

"Baby, tell aunt, what\'s your name?"

Shu Lan put her hand in the little guy\'s little hand and asked her to hold her little hand tightly. "Oh, you don\'t have a formal name, so it\'s called Niannian, right?"


This nickname is quite interesting.

Warm smile: "is Niannian a nickname? Why do you take this name?"

"Oh, this nickname was taken by her godfather, saying that she should always remember the kindness of her parents."

Shu Lan smiled and explained at will.

So it is. It seems that the little guy\'s godfather is a man with heavy feelings.

They chatted one after another. Gu Luoluo soaked milk powder and came in.

When the little guy saw the bottle, he immediately danced.

His mouth was humming and his face couldn\'t wait.

"Oh, you little greedy bag, mom picked you up and fed you."

Shu Lan took the child and sat on the sofa and began to feed the little guy milk powder.

The setting sun refracted in through the window, and the warm yellow halo hit her, making her look particularly soft and beautiful.

Warm and caress your belly, dreaming that one year later, you will have such a happy moment.