Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 806

The door of the guest room opened and the doctor came out.

Shulan and Gu Luoluo stopped talking and looked back at the doctor.

"Dr. Li, how is she?"

"Her condition is not particularly good. She is very weak."

The doctor said, "because of falling into the water, her fetus looks unstable. It\'s best to stay in bed for a period of time."

Hearing this, Shu Lan nodded, thanked the doctor and went in.

Gu Luoluo frowned and turned his mind. He walked quickly to the end of the corridor, opened a door and turned on the switch to the basement.

When she got to the basement, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Fu Xichen.

"Mr. Fu, will you come tonight?"

Fu Xichen will come to the island once or twice a week. She must tell him what happened today in advance.

"What\'s up?" Fu Xichen replied.

"There is an uninvited guest on the island."


"Warm." Gu Luoluo answered truthfully.

"What\'s going on?"


Gu Luoluo said things roughly.

"I\'ll come tonight."


After sending the message, Gu Luoluo looked at the man\'s head and pulled at the corners of his mouth.

The man he loves deeply is considerate and painstaking to other women.

But she can help him silently and watch him love other women without regret.


She\'s a real masochist.

With a slight sigh, Gu Luoluo put away his mobile phone, walked out of the basement and into the guest room.

In the guest room, Shu Lan is tucking in her quilt for warmth.

"Warm, your body is very weak now. The doctor told you to stay in bed. Why don\'t you stay here for a while?"

Hearing this, he pursed his lips warmly. "Shulan, it\'s too troublesome for you. Can you lend me my cell phone and let me call my friend? My friend should be able to pick me up."

Although Shulan makes her feel kind, she doesn\'t know each other well. It\'s better not to bother others.


"Miss Wen, you\'d better stay here for a while."

Gu Luoluo went to the bedside and hooked his lips. "Our island is still under development, and the communication equipment is not perfect. We may not be able to contact the outside world."

How can she make warm contact with her friends?

Don\'t bring Fu Yunting here.

Or wait until Fu Xichen comes to make a decision.

As for the imperfect communication equipment, this is true.

Because Fu Xichen didn\'t want Xia Ling to have contact with the outside world, he added a jammer around the villa.

Only in the basement can we normally contact the outside world.

"Well, I\'ll trouble you."

Warm touch the lower abdomen, helpless and anxious.

She\'s missing. I don\'t know if Jiang Lingfeng will find her.

And Ann Xueyan will jump again while she is away.

So will Jiang Lingfeng take care of her?


After all, he lost his good memories with her.

An Xueyan was his first love.

The more you think about it, the more anxious you are.

"Warm, don\'t think too much. Staying here can just relieve boredom with me."

Shulan held her warm hand and said with relief, "we still have a baby at home. It\'s just that you can learn how to be a mother in advance."

In a word, it brought back the warm thoughts.

"Baby? Whose child?"


At this time, a loud baby cry sounded, with new strength.

"Hee hee, my daughter is awake. I\'ll take her and show you."

Shu Lan smiled, her face full of maternal love.

"I\'ll go."

Gu Luoluo behind him flashed a trace of complexity in his apricot eyes and turned away.

"Shulan, how old are you? Have a daughter?" Warm face of surprise, slowly get up.

"Hey, hey, I just gave birth to my daughter. I don\'t know how cute she is."

Shu Lan hurriedly put a cushion behind her, with a smile in her eyebrows.