Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1196

"Thank you, Mr. Wen. I\'ll take my sister back first and put her in place."

LV Zhixuan thanked warm with gratitude and smiled warmly, indicating that they should go quickly.

The office was quiet, warm and breathed out. With a casual glance on his side, he saw Fu manyun looking at the door thoughtfully.

"Xiaoman, what are you thinking?"

Warm and in a good mood, he walked up to her and asked.

"Oh, nothing. The matter is finally over. We can also breathe a sigh of relief. I\'ll go out to work first."

Fu manyun suppressed his inner emotions, smiled with warmth and Jiang Lingfeng, and went out of the office door.

Warm blinked, only feeling that Fu manyun had something on his mind.

But if people refuse to say, she will not chase people to ask.

"Hoo, the truth has finally come out, husband..."

Before the warm words spoke, the man was hugged by Jiang Lingfeng.

"Yes, warm, the truth is finally revealed. It\'s time for us... To go back to the old house and discuss marriage with our parents."

They had been back so long that he couldn\'t wait to give her a grand wedding and let the world know that he loved her.

Just, will she put down her heart?

After all, his mother hurt her once.

Jiang Lingfeng was worried and carefully hugged the warmth.

The smile on the warm face was slightly restrained, and there was a moment of resistance in my heart.

She admitted that although she came back with Jiang Lingfeng, she still remembered what Jiang mother had done and couldn\'t forget it.

It seems that as long as you think of her, the pain of stripping the child\'s body will hit the whole body.

However, she can\'t never meet the Jiang family.

Because Jiang Lingfeng is his husband, she loves him, doesn\'t she?

Even for him, she had to restrain her emotions.

Warm closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she put a smile on her face again.

She straightened up a little and looked gently at Jiang Lingfeng. "OK, husband, can I finally be your bride in a fair way? Don\'t forget to tell your parents that we are going to have a wedding with Fu Yunting and Lingling."

A woman\'s eyes are as gentle as water, and her smile is full of people. She doesn\'t look unhappy at all.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s heart moved and his strength to hug her waist increased slightly, "warm, are you really ready? My mother, she..."

"Ling Feng, you are my husband. For you, I am willing to put down the past and stop caring. It\'s just..."

There was a warm silence, and there was an ambush in his tone. "I don\'t want that to happen again. If I\'m pregnant, can I try to have less contact with them?"

She\'s scared.

I\'m really scared.

If you do it again, maybe she\'ll go crazy.

The mother-in-law doesn\'t like herself, perhaps with her children.

She can\'t afford it, she just wants to avoid it.

I hope Jiangling wind energy understands this.

"Warm, don\'t worry. With me, I will never let this happen again."

Jiang Lingfeng took a deep breath and gently hugged the man into his arms. A trace of firmness flashed in his sharp eyes.

This is his favorite woman. He will protect her for the rest of his life!

The sudden ringing of the telephone interrupted the silence of the room.

Jiang Lingfeng let go of the warmth, rubbed her black hair, took out her mobile phone and looked at it with a slightly restrained expression.

The telephone is from team Liu.

I think it should be to tell him the development process of the matter.

"I\'ll answer the phone."

Not wanting to worry about warmth, Jiang Lingfeng pointed out and strode out.

When he came to a deserted place, he connected the phone.

"Liu team."

"President Jiang, I still want to tell you that we have been chasing after her for a long time, but unfortunately, an Xueyan ran away. But don\'t worry, we are stepping up our efforts to search for her whereabouts and will arrest her as soon as possible."