Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1197

An Xueyan ran away, and Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t tell Wenwen about it because he didn\'t want her to worry.

In order to prevent accidents, he asked Xu Fei to secretly protect warmth.

In the evening, he returned to Jiang\'s house with warmth.

"Dad, mom, we\'re back."

Jiang Lingfeng walked into the hall with warmth in one hand and tonic in the other.

The Jiangs are sitting on the sofa waiting for them to come back.

Seeing that they were back, Jiang\'s father got up with a smile and took the things in Jiang Lingfeng\'s hand. "Are you back? Sit down and have dinner right away."

With a warm smile, he shouted to Jiang Fu, "Dad."

He looked at Jiang\'s father again, looked at Jiang\'s mother, and whispered, "Mom."

"Hehe, warm, just come back."

Jiang\'s father was very warm. He smiled and motioned to sit warm. He turned and looked at Jiang\'s mother. Seeing that she was indifferent, he winked at her.

Jiang\'s mother didn\'t see his eyes. She glanced at Jiang Lingfeng and said, "finally know you\'re back? I thought you forgot my mother\'s existence."

Hearing this, before Jiang Lingfeng spoke, Jiang\'s father hurriedly said, "Xiaolan, didn\'t we agree? Don\'t mention the past when the child comes back. How can you..."

"What\'s the matter with me? I\'m just angry!"

Xu LAN stood up, glanced across the river, the wind and warmth, and his chest fluctuated.

Her eyes were full of resentment, and she wanted to scold her warmth, but when she saw Jiang Lingfeng\'s calm face, she finally didn\'t say anything, but turned and walked to the kitchen.

"I\'ll go to the kitchen and have a look. I\'ve raised an unfilial son, but I can\'t help breaking up with him."

This remark was full of resentment. Jiang Fu smiled, "Lingfeng, warm, don\'t be general with your mother. She\'s just angry in her heart. She\'ll be fine after a while."

Warmth didn\'t speak, just curved lips.

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t speak, just holding a warm hand and never letting go.

"Sir, young master and young lady, you can have dinner."

A servant came to ask for dinner. Father Jiang hurriedly said, "OK, let\'s have dinner."

Jiang Lingfeng gets up with warmth, looks at her silent appearance, pinches her slender hand, and looks at her gently.

Warmth knows that he is worried about her and that she is unhappy.

Although she did feel a little depressed, it didn\'t hurt.

Because she was ready to be cold before she came.

She smiled at Jiang Lingfeng and said softly, "eat."

Seeing this, Jiang Lingfeng hooked his lips and felt a little loose.

They sat on the table hand in hand, and Jiang Lingfeng arranged the tableware for warm.

Xu LAN on the other side looked on coldly, and the more he looked, the more he felt warm and out of the way.

Why does such a debauchery woman let her son take good care of her?

For this woman, I worked hard to bring up my son. I not only had a share with myself, but also almost broke up with myself!

The more you think about it, the more angry you are!

"Warm, you are too thin. Eat more."

Jiang\'s father looked at Jiang Lingfeng and said warmly, "Lingfeng, take care of your daughter-in-law more."


Jiang Lingfeng hooks his lips. Without Jiang\'s father\'s advice, he is also taking care of the warmth carefully.

"Well, Ling Feng, I\'ll do it myself. I can\'t eat any more."

Warm looked at the dishes piled up in the bowl in front of him and smiled helplessly at Jiang Lingfeng.

"Dad said, you\'re too thin. You should eat more."

Jiang Lingfeng smiled at the warm pet and put the shelled shrimp into her bowl.