Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1195

Fengyun media.

Jiang Lingfeng came back with warmth.

Into the office, there were several people standing inside.

Glancing one by one, he saw that LV Zhixuan was holding a girl to wipe her tears, and Anna was standing on the other side.

I think that girl should be LV Zixin, LV Zhixuan\'s sister.

"President Jiang, you\'re back! How\'s it going? Has an Xueyan been caught?"

Anna walked quickly to Jiang Lingfeng and asked in a hurry.

"Someone tipped off an Xueyan, and an Xueyan ran away."

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t hide it and told Anna about it.

At the same time, he glanced at several people present and observed their faces.

In addition to LV Zhixuan\'s brother and sister, his assistant and Fu manyun were present.

He scanned them one by one and saw that there was nothing wrong with their faces.

"What? Or did Ann Xueyan escape? What about Eric? Where is he?"

Anna asked anxiously.

"He coerced a hostage and helped an Xueyan escape."

Jiang Lingfeng looked at Anna and said.

"This stupid man, I knew he would not let an Xueyan be caught."

Anna stamped her feet angrily and looked at Jiang Lingfeng: "no, I have to find him. I can\'t let him be led by an Xueyan."

"Well, Miss Anna, thank you again for your generous help. If you have an Xueyan\'s whereabouts, please let me know."

Jiang Lingfeng nodded to Anna.

"I see. I\'ll go first."

Anna waved to Jiang Lingfeng, then nodded to the warmth of one side and hurriedly led her men away.

The warmth didn\'t interrupt the whole process. Looking at the figure of Anna leaving quickly, she couldn\'t help laughing.

"Anna, who looks so romantic, must be very cheerful. I still want to make friends with her. Unfortunately, people are so focused on finding a lover that they don\'t have time to talk to me."

"Don\'t worry, there will always be a chance."

Jiang Lingfeng hooked his lips towards the warmth.

Nodded warmly and looked at the brothers and sisters of LV Zhixuan.

LV Zhixuan has pulled LV Zixin over.

"President Jiang, President Wen, this is my sister LV Zixin. Our brothers and sisters thank you again for saving your life."

LV Zhixuan took LV Zixin and bowed deeply to them.

Warm smiled and patted LV Zhixuan on the shoulder. "Don\'t be so polite. If you really thank us, just sing well and create benefits for our company."

What a nice guy.

There is love and righteousness, and the three outlooks are also very positive!

It\'s worth cultivating!

"Don\'t worry, I will sing well to repay your help."

LV Zhixuan looked warm and his eyebrows were full of smiles.

LV Zixin looked at their smiling faces with sparkling eyes.

She grabbed LV Zhixuan\'s arm and said, "elder brother, I feel bad. Shall we go back?"

"Uncomfortable? What\'s wrong? I\'ll take you to the hospital for examination."

LV Zhixuan looked nervous and hurriedly asked.

"No, I\'m just tired. I want to go back and have a rest. Will you accompany me back?"

LV Zixin looked at LV Zhixuan weakly.

Before LV Zhixuan spoke, he hurriedly said, "Zhixuan, the company gives you a day off. You go back with your sister first, settle her down, and come back to work tomorrow."

It can be seen that although they are not related by blood, LV Zhixuan is very concerned about his sister.

And this weak LV Zixin, who has been arrested for so long, must not have any psychological shadow.